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Then the dance goes on, and is stopped to scrub the floor, which is done in dumb show, to the proper song-tune:

"This is the way we scrub the floor,
We scrub the floor, we scrub the floor!
This is the way we scrub the floor,
So early Wednesday morning!"

Then repeat, "Here we go round," &c.

"This is the way we mend our clothes,
We mend our clothes, we mend our clothes;
This is the way we mend our clothes,
So early Thursday morning."

Then they make motions of sweeping, singing:

"This is the way we sweep the house,
We sweep the house, we sweep the house;
This is the way we sweep the house,
So early Friday morning."

"Thus we play when our work is done,
Our work is done, our work is done!
Thus we play when our work is done,
So early Saturday morning!"

And the little boys turn wheels or jump, or play in any other way they please; the little girls dancing round, together or apart.


This drop game is very popular in the streets of New York.

A ring of players is formed, outside of which one of the children goes around with a knotted handkerchief.

All say—

<< \relative b' { \key ees \major \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 \partial 16 \autoBeamOff 
  bes16 | bes4 g8. g16 bes4 g8. g16 |
  bes8. a16 bes8. c16 bes4 g8. bes16 |
  bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8. g16 |
  bes8. a16 bes8. c16 bes4 g8. g16 | bes4 g8. bes16 bes4 g8. g16 |
  bes8 bes bes bes bes bes bes8. g16 | bes8. a16 bes8. c16 bes4 g8 r16 \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { "\"A" tis -- ket, a tas -- ket, A green and yel -- low bas -- ket, I sent a let -- ter to my love, And on the way I dropped it; I dropped it, I dropped it, A lit -- tle boy he picked it up And put it in his pock -- "et.\"" } >>

The one outside drops the handkerchief behind one of the players, touches him on the shoulder, and starts to run round the ring.

The one touched picks up the handkerchief and gives chase, going in and out of the ring at the same places, until he catches his game.