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With the exception of two of their number, the players join hands and form a circle. One of the two excepted stands in the center of the circle, while the other, who is the King's Cavalier, stands without. Those forming the ring then dance around the one in the center, singing the first verse of the song, thus:

"Who pass -- es by this way so late? Com -- pan -- ions of the Mar -- jo -- laine? Who pass -- es by this way so late Up -- on the quay?"

The player outside the ring sings in reply the second verse, "It is an envoy," &c. The others then sing the third verse, the one outside the fourth, and so on in alternation to the last verse. While they are singing that, the players raise their arms and the Cavalier passes into the ring, and the game ends with a dance around the pair by the other players.

"It is an envoy from the king,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
A royal mandate he doth bring,
Upon the quay."

"Then let us the king's message hear,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
What asks of us the Cavalier
Upon the quay?"

"One of your daughters for his bride,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
He prays you quickly to decide
Upon the quay."

"We have no daughters fit to wed,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
The Cavalier has been misled
Upon the quay."

"I heard you'd daughters young and fair,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Some with dark locks, some golden hair,
Upon the quay."
"They told you false who told you so,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Our daughters left us long ago,
Upon the quay!"

"Yet some of them must be at home,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
No bootless journey let me come
Upon the quay."

"Come when the clock is striking ten,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Some of them may be with us then
Upon the quay."

"The clock struck ten two hours ago,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Think not you can evade me so,
Upon the quay."

"Then come again when midnight sounds,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
The sentry will have been his rounds,
Upon the quay."