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"Midnight was sounding when you spoke,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
You still can hear the final stroke,
Upon the quay."

"But all our girls are fast asleep,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
They do not such late hours keep,
Upon the quay."

"Nay, one of them is still awake,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Go, say I her my bride will make,
Upon the quay."

"What will you give my daughter dear,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
To make her your petitions hear,
Upon the quay?"

"I'll give her gowns all fringed with gold,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
And jewels brilliant to behold,
Upon the quay."

"She prizes neither gold nor gem,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Offer her better gifts than them,
Upon the quay."

"Then I will offer her a heart,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
Frank, loyal, true in every part,
Upon the quay."

"Then take your choice of all our girls,
Companions of the Marjolaine;
True hearts out-value gold or pearls,
Upon the quay."


One player, who should be the tallest and strongest, takes the part of the Wolf, and the next in size takes that of the Doe. The Wolf hides herself somewhere in the room, while the other players form a line behind the Doe, holding on to one another's dresses. This line is called the Doe's tail. They begin the game by walking up and down, singing the words and tune here given:

"In the wood let us stray,
While the wolf is far a -- way!"

After repeating the verse a few times, the Doe asks:

"Wolf, Wolf, are you there?"

The Wolf replies, "No."

Then they begin to walk again, singing the same verse, and after a few repetitions the Doe again asks:

"Wolf, Wolf, are you there?"

The Wolf now replies, "Yes," and the Doe cries out to her tail, "We must fly."

The Wolf says, "I am the Wolf, who in pieces will tear you."

The Doe replies, "I am the Doe, and I do not fear you."

The Wolf cries out, "Then take care of your tail."

With this the Wolf attempts to catch the player at the end of the tail, while the Doe tries to prevent her by spreading out her arms. If the Wolf manages to get