Page:String Figures and How to Make Them.djvu/449

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Sling, 12
Smythe, R. Brough, 1.
Smith, H. I., xii, xxii, 2, 30, 32.
Smith, Lena, 12.
Snake, 379.
Snake, sea, xvi, xvii, 34, 371.
So-bide-hulonni, 58.
Soerabaja, xiv.
Soi-noun-kal, 332.
Soldier's bed, x-iv, 325, 372.
Soldieffs bed again, xiv, 331.
Solomon Islands string games, 1, 2.
Son-bi-tere, 58.
Songs with string figures, xvii, xix.
Sono-tsihu, 228.
Son-flanl, 48.
South American string games, xx, 1.
Spear, 376.
Spear, fish, xxii, 32.
Spear, four-pronged, 385.
Spear, sea-egg, xxii, 35.
Springer, Wallace, 504.
Square, 393.
Squares, xv.
Squirrels, two, 114.
Ssi-teu-ki, 324.
Stairs, 362.
Star, 21, 383.
Star, big, 64, 65.
Star, horned, 58.
Star, north, 65.
Star, six-pointed, 307.
Star, two-horned, 58.
Stars, Many, 48.
Stars, three, 167.
Stars, twin, 228.
Stars, two, 129.
Stephens, E., 2, 367.
Storm clouds, 236.
String figures, with songs, xvii, xix.
String game, xv.
Sun, 21, 82.
Sun clouded over, 383.
Sun setting on the horizon, 382.
Sun with full rays, 383.
Sunset, 21.
Swatow, cat's-cradle, in xiii, 324.
Sweden, cat's-cradle in, 324.
Switzerland, cat's-cradle in, xiv, 324.

Tak-tuk, 364.
Taking-off, xiv, xv, 324.
Taking-off strings, xv, 324.
Tallow dips, 248.
Tanana Indian string games, 358, 388.
Tanganyika, Lake, xxii.
Tawhaki, xix.
Taylor, R., xviii, 2.
Tc-c-kyack, 362.
Teepee, Apache, 246.
Teirlinck, xiv.
Ten men, 156, 375.
Ten men, variation of, 156, 395.
Ten times, 271.
Tenicheft, W., xix, 2.
Tewa Indian string games, 2, 12, 48, 216, 307, 388.
Tezeuk, 363.
Thilenius, xvi.
Thompson Indian string games, xx, xxii, 2, 30, 35.
Threading a closed loop, 354.
Three stars, 167.
Thumb catch, 350.
Ti-bird, nest of the, 85.
Tinamitto, 371.
Tipstaft, 251.
Tituchtak, 360.
Tjye,e-ka-rak, 326.
Tjyel-kou-kong-i, 332.
Tlingit Indian string games, xx, 2.
Toêká-toêká, xiv, 2.
Tomahawks, two, 384.
Torres Straits lizard, 337.
Torres Straits string games, xi, xii, xvi, xxii, i, 16, 21, 32, 34, 39, 85, 96, 129, 192, 195, 233, 337, 341, 348, 352, 375, 390.
Tortoise, 380.
Trap, 365.
Tree, 381.
Tree, palm, 195, 381.
Tregear, Edward, xix, 2.
Triangles, Caroline Islands, 158.
Triangles, circles and, 146.
Tricks, 4, 337.
Trigger fish, xvii, 96.
Trotlsers, 248.
Tsimshian Indian string games, xx, 2.
Tslem-pis-to-nai; pi-cho-wai-nai, 375.
Tsun-tsi, 65.
Tsuzumi, 332.
Tuk-tuk, xix, 365.
Tuktuqdjung, 124.
Tup, xvfi, 233.
Turner, W. Y., xvi, I.
Turtle, 150, 265, 271, 379, 380.
Tutumukaiigat, 362.
Twin stars, 228.
Two boys carrying spears, 376.