Page:String Figures and How to Make Them.djvu/450

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Two boys fighting for an arrow, 317.
Two chiefs, 188, 375.
Two cockatoos, 378.
Two coconuts, 382.
Two coyotes, 60.
Two dolphins, 393.
Two elks, 74.
Two Eskimos running away, 361.
Two foxes, 114.
Two fish, 380.
Two hogans, 116, 121.
Two-horned star, 58.
Two little boys running away, 287.
Two men, 359.
Two men walking down a valley, 376.
Two mountains and a stream, 360.
Two ptarmigans, 364.
Two rats, 377.
Two rocks, 384.
Two skunks, 110.
Two squirrels, 114.
Two stars, 129.
Two tomahawks, 384.
Two white cranes, 378.
Two women fighting with sticks, 376.
Tying dogs' feet, 116.
Tylor, E. B., xx.

U, 195.
Uap, string games in, 160, 167, 176, 188, 200, 153, 265, 271, 320, 337, 339, 346, 354, 389.
Ukaliaqdjung, 371.
Ulungu string games, xxii, 116, 386.
Umai, xvi.
Umano-me, 332.
Umiakbuk, 359.
Umuzwa, xxii, 116.
Upena, 374.
Ussuqdjung, 127.

Value, ethnological, of string figures, 3.
Variation of coral, 393.
Variation of crab, 394.
Variation of real cat's-cradle, 336.
Variation of ten men, 156, 395.
Vo-pi-ri-dai, 216.

W, 204.
Waioli, xviii.
Wai-u-la-wa, 373.
Wajiji, xxii, 341, 386.
Wallaby, 376.
Wallace, Alfred R., xiii, 1.
Wangai plum, xvii.
Wasp's nest, 381, 385.
Wasser, xv, 325.
Water, xv.
Water-snake, 379.
Wed, xvii.
Weir, Dr. H. H., xii, 1.
Well, 85.
Well-rope, xiii, 324.
Whai, xix.
Whale, xiv.
Whale and fox, 363 .
White cranes, two, 378.
Wiege, die, xv, 329.
Will you have a yam? 352.
Witch's game, xv, 324.
Wolf, xix, 361, 371
Wolverine, 361.
Woman, 381.
Woman, Nauru, 368.
Women of rank, 369.
Wood, carrying, 66.
Wood in soles of clogs, xiii, 327.
Wood, little boy carrying, 295.
Wooden spoon, xxii, 116.
Woof pattern string-taking, xiii, 324.
Woof-taking, xii, 324.
Worm, 222.
Worm, second, 599.
Wormer, xvi, 5.

Yam, will you have a? 352.
Yams, 382.
Yirma, 2.

Zah Tso, 54, 60, 184.
Zaroff, chief, 282, 308.
Zamia nuts, 382.
Zamia tree, 382.
Zia Uddin Ahmad, xiii.
Zuñi Indian string games, xxii, 2, 12, 35, 66, 258, 301, 375, 388.