Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/404

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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. THE EPIC OF KINGS. Stories retold from the Persian Poet Firdusi. By HELEN ZIMMERN, Author of " Stories in Precious Stones," " Life of Lessing, 1 &c. With Etchings by L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A , and Prefatory Poem by E. W. GOSSE. Popular Edition, Crown 8vo., cloth extra 076 "Charming from beginning to end. . . . Miss Zimmern deserves all credit for her courage in attempting the task, and tor her marvellous success in carrying it out. . . . Miss Zimmern has indeed mastered a pure simple English which fits the anti quity of her subject, and the stories are told in a manner which must provoke the envy and admiration of all who have attempted this singularly difficult style of composition. " Saturday Review. " The carefulness and intelligence she displays in her selections from the Shah Xameh, no less than in her graceful renderings of them, are deserving of high praise. . . . Miss Zimmern s translations in this volume can be read with great pleasure. . . . A striking feature of the volume is Mr. Gosse s narrative poem, Firdusi in Exile," in which is told, in charming verse, the pic turesque story of the poet s exile and death." Athenccuin. "Miss Zimmern has succeeded to admiration. . . . The result appears in a language at once dignified and simple, free from affectation, and at the same time sufficiently antiquated to carry one into the atmosphere of the stories themselves. . . . The choice of legends is a wise one." 5. Lane-Poole, in 7 he Academy. " Miss Zimmern has been well advised in attempting to para phrase this work. In one volume she presents her readers with the essence and the gist of Firdusi s Epic, carrying the story down as far as the death of Rustem that is, as far as the end of the purely poetical portion of the poet s work. She has selected well, and WTitten the stories in a vivid style. Firdusi s stories may have a chance of becoming really popular in England." The Times. Of Miss Zimmern s fitness for writing stories of this kind there need be no question. She has in other fields of literature shown how well she could adapt the productions of foreign writers to British tastes." Scotsman. Also an Edition de luxe, on Dutch Hand-made Paper, Super Roy. Quarto, limited to 200 copies. Artist s Proofs on Japanese Paper, signed and numbered, bound in Parchment extra 3 3 o Later Impressions, limited to 300 copies, on English Super Roy. 4to., the Etchings on India Paper, unsigned, bound in Cloth extra ... ... 2 2 o %* A limited number of these editions may still be had.