Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/405

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New and Recent Books. GEORGE HERBERT S POEMS. THE TEMPLE : Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. By Mr. GEORGE HERBERT. Small Crown. New Edition, vith Introductory Essay by J. HENRY SHORTHOUSE, Author of "JOHN INGLESANT." This is afac-simile reprint by typography oj the Original Edition of 1633. No pains have been spared to make this an exact replica as regards paper, size, print, and binding. 4th Edition, Sheep, imitation of Original Binding 050 Paper boards, Old Style, uncut edges o 5 o Imitation Morocco o 6 o The style of Mr. Shorthouse s dainty little preface is, we should say, nearly perfect in its kind. . . From the delicate bit of word-painting with which it opens to the closing paragraph there is one clear thought running through the whole." Spectator. "This charming reprint has a fresh value added to it by^the Introductory Essay of the Author of John Inglesant. " Academy. TALES OF MODERN OXFORD. By the Author of " Lays of Modern Oxford. Crown 8vo., cloth extra o 6 o POEMS AND HYMNS. By the Rev. G. T. COSTER, of Whitby. Fcap. 8vo., cloth extra, gilt edges " The descriptive poems are very fine, especially The Village.. Early Days, and The Children. These suggest Crabbe in truthfulness of portrayal and purity of expression. The hymns are also possessed of more than average merit." Leeds Mercury.