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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of catarrh (Pratiŝyáya-Pratishedha). 1.

Causes: — Excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, heating of the head, entrance of the minute particles of dust or smoke into the nostrils, excessive application of cold or heat, voluntary retention of stool and urine are the causes which may instantly usher in an attack of nasal catarrh (Pratiśyáya). The fundamental principles of Váyu, Pitta and Kapha, jointly and separately, as well as of blood becoming aggravated by various aggravating causes, bring on an attack of nasal catarrh in course of time . 2-3.

Premonitary Symptoms:— Heaviness of the head, sneezing and aching in the limbs, appearance of goose-flesh upon the body, as well as many other different kinds of supervening symptoms are seen to precede an attack of nasal catarrh (Pratiśyáya). 4.

Specific Symptoms:— Hoarseness of voice, a sense of stuffedness and obstruction in the nostrils accompanied by a thin mucous secretion, dryness of the throat, of the palate and of the lips, a pricking, and piercing pain in the region of the temples, as well as excessive sneezing and a bad taste in the mouth are the characteristics of Vátaja type of catarrh (Pratiśyáya). A hot and yellowish secretion from the nose, heated skin, thirst, emaciation and yellowness of the complexion, as well as the secretion being sudden, hot and smoky — these are the characteristics which mark the Pittaja type of catarrh. Constant running at the nose, the secretion being white and cold, paleness (of the skin) and swelling (D. R.