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Chap. XXIV. ]

whiteness) of the eyes, heaviness of the head, flabbiness of the face*[1] and tickling and itching sensation in the regions of the head, throat, lips and of the palate are the features which mark the Kaphaja type of the disease. 5-7.

The spontaneous disappearance, as well as reappearance of Pratiśyáya — 'be it acute or chronic — is the charracteristic symptom of Tri-doshaja Pratiśyáya, wherein the specific symptoms of all (the three) kinds of Apinasa are present. 8.

Symptoms of Raktaja Pratiŝyáya:— Discharge of blood (from the nose), redness of the eyes, a bruised pain in the chest which seems as if struck with a blow, fetid smell in the breath and the mouth, and loss of the faculty of smelling are the characteristic symptoms of the Raktaja type of Pratiśyáya which has its origin in the deranged condition of the blood. In these cases †[2] hosts of extremely small worms of whitish or blackish ‡[3] hue are found to infest the affected localities (viz., the nostrils) which show symptoms identical with those of the head-disease due to the germination of parasites in that region. 9.

Prognosis:— The malignant nature of the disease (Dushta-Pratiśyáya) should be inferred from the constant alternate sliminess and dryness, as well as constant alternate contraction and expansion of the nostrils,

  1. * In place of " "— some read " " — i.e., "the man (patient) gets heaviness of the head." In this case the flabbiness of the face is not seperately mentioned.
  2. † According to some this is the characteristic symptom of another kind of Pratiśyáya, and not one of the symptoms of the Raktaja type as appears at the first sight.
  3. ‡ Mádhava Kar reads ' ' i.e., glossy white in hue, in place of ' ' i.e., whitish and blackish in hue.