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[Chap. XXIV.

fetour in the breath and loss of the faculty of smell. Such a case of Pratiśyáya should be regarded as extremely hard to cure. Neglected and not properly remedied at the outset of an attack, any type of catarrh (Pratiśyáya) may bring on cases of malignant Pinasa, which in time gives rise to a number of diseases and produces in its train deafness, blindness, loss of smell, violent ocular affections, cough, dulness of appetite, and Śopha (swelling). 10-11.

General Treatment of Pratiśyáya:— Potions of clarified butter, various sorts of emetics, and fomentations (Sveda) may be prescribed in nasal catarrh (Pratiśyáya), except in fresh and acute cases. Errhines (Nasya) of Avapida type may also be employed in time, if required. Fomentation should be applied and diet should be taken in a tepid state with articles of acid taste, and draughts of milk should be administered with green ginger*[1] and with any modification of the expressed juice of sugar-cane †[2] for the purpose of thickening and maturing the secreted mucus, in cases where that maturing process has not already spontaneously set in. The mucus found matured, thick and pendent should be made to secrete by applying head-purgatives (Śiro-vireka). Purgatives, Vasti of the Ásthápana kind, smoke-inhalations and medicinal gurgles should also be prescribed according to the exigencies of each case under treatment and in consideration of the nature and intensity of the deranged Dosha involved therein. 12-14.

  1. * Some explain "Árdraka" to mean the expressed juice of fresh ginger, while others explain it to mean the powder of dried ginger.
  2. † In place of " " — with any modification of the expressed juice of sugar-cane, such as treacle, sugar, etc , some read " " i.e., with articles of pungent taste.