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[Chap. XL.

space for a whole night, may be given good with good results as a drink in combination with Yasthi-madhu and honey. 53 — 54.

Use of Milk in Atisára:— Milk should be given in a case of Atisára marked by the suppression of stool and Váyu and attended with griping (Śula), constant scanty motions, symptoms of Rakta-pitta and thirst. Milk is ambrosia itself in such a case of Atisára (Dysentery), and in long-standing cases the milk to be taken should be duly boiled with thrice as much water. This would remove the remnant, if any, of the Dosha involved and is, therefore, considered as the best remedy in such cases. Oily purgatives and application of Pichchila-Vasti (slimy intestinal injections) as well as the medicated Ghrita duly prepared with the expressed juice of the barks of slimy trees, e. g., Śyoná, Śálmali, etc., are beneficial under the circumstances (in chronic or longstanding cases). 56.

Draughts of clarified butter duly prepared with the tender sprouts of the Kshiri trees and mixed with honey and sugar (as an after-throw) should be taken in a case of Atisára marked with a discharge of blood before or after the passing of the stool and with a cutting pain (in the region of the anus). Draughts of medicated clarified butter duly prepared with the barks of Deva-dáru, and with Pippali, Śunthi, Lákshá, Indra-yava, and Bhadra-rohini (Katuká) administered through the medium of any kind of Peyá would prove highly efficacious in a case of Tri-doshaja Atisára of severe type. 57-58.

    night in an equal quantity of water. In the morning the water should be passed through a piece of linen. Four-Pala-weight of this water mixed with a Karsha weight of Yashti-madhu and honey should be taken.