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Chap. XL.]

Exhibition of emetics or vomiting is an excellent remedy in a case of Atisára marked by heaviness (in the abdomen) and the predominance of the deranged bodily Kapha. A case attended with fever, burning sensation and suppression of stool and marked by an aggravation of Váyu should be treated as a case of Rakta-pitta. Intestinal injections with urine-purifying (Mutra-Śodhana) drugs should be speedily administered in the manner of an Ásthápana or Anuvásana Vasti, as the occasion might arise, in a case marked by an excessive accumulation of the deranged bodily Doshas in the affected locality as well as by the suppression (of stool) during the mature stage of the disease. 59-60.

Intestinal injections consisting of oil or clarified butter duly cooked and prepared with the drugs of sweet and acid tastes should be applied in the manner of an Anuvásana Vasti in a case marked by the protrusion of the bowel through violent and excessive straining and by painful obstruction of urine (Mutrágháta) and pain in the waist. Pitta-subduing washes, and injections prepared with the Pitta-subduing drugs and applied in the manner of Anuvásana Vasti, are the remedies in a case marked by the suppuration of the anus due to the aggravation of Pitta in an injudicious or intemperate patient. Anuvásana Vasti charged with oil duly cooked with wine, Vilva and Dadhi-manda should be applied in a case of Atisára marked by the aggravation of the deranged bodily Váyu, and milk duly boiled and cooked with the admixture of Kachchurá-roots should be given to drink. 61-63.

Pichchhá-Vasti should be applied (into the rectum) in a case of Atisára marked by painful and frequent emission of blood, though in scanty quantities at a time, and by an entire suppression of Váyu (flatus). An