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Chap. XLII.]

character. In a Tri-doshaja type, measures held to be remedial for each of the Doshas should be adopted or employed. Measures laid down in connection with the Pittaja type of the disease should be as well employed in cases of Raktaja (blood-origined) Gulma in female patients. Now hear me describe the recipes of the medicines which would particularly lead to the disintegration of the blood (in cases of Raktaja Gulma). Clarified butter duly cooked and prepared with the alkaline preparation of Paláśa wood (water charged with the burnt ashas of Paláśa) should be internally administered, and the medicated clarified butter known as the Pippalyádi Ghrita should be employed after the manner of an Uttara-vasti. In the alternative, the discharge (of blood) should be induced with the help of the drugs of heat-making (Ushna) potency (e.g, Pippalyádi group) and measures laid down in connection with menorrhagia (Asrigdara) should be adopted after the flow has fairly set in. 11.

Anuvásana:— The use of curd, clarified butter, oil, lard (Vasá) and marrow of Ánupa (such as boar buffalo, etc.) and Audaka (aquatic) animals, boiled together and applied after the manner of an Ánuvásanavasti, proves beneficial in a case of Vátaja-Gulma. The application of similar Vastis charged with a solution of clarified butter and the lard of animals of the Jángala and Eka-śapha groups proves efficacious in the Pittaja type of the disease, while the application of these containing solutions of oil and the marrow of any Jángala animal will prove beneficial in a case of the Kpahaja type*[1]. 12-15.

  1. * Dallana recommends the use of Váyu subduing, Pitta-subduing and Kapha-subduing drugs as Kalka in the preparation of these three Vastis respectively.