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[Chap. LXIV.

and (immersion) in ponds full of Kamala (lotus) and Utpala (water lily), enjoying the moon's rays at dusk and the use of sandal-pastes are recommended. The aggravation of Pitta in the (previous) rainy season should, in this season, be duly remedied by the use of Tikta-Ghrita (Chapter IX, Chikitsita sthána), by means of venesection or by the use of purgatives. Tikshna (sharp-potencied or pungent), acid, hot and alkaline articles (of food) as well as the sun's rays, sexual excess and sleep at day-time and keeping late hours should be avoided. Sweet and cold water and purified wine as transparent as crystals are also recommended. All kinds of water are in this season washed, as it were, by the clear white rays of the autumnal moon and being purified by the rising of the Agastya star,*[1] become very clear and transparent and consequently beneficial. Clean and thin clothes scented with sandal-pastes or with camphor as well as garlands of autumnal flowers should be worn, and the Sidhu class of wine should be judiciously taken In short, all Pitta-subduing measures should be taken in this season. 7.

Rules for Hemanta and winter seasons: -The season of Hemanta is cold but dry (Ruksha). The sun is weak and the atmosphere is very airy. Hence, owing to the outside cold, the bodily Váyu is also aggravated in this season. The abdominal fire becomes dull owing to the internal cold and dries up the bodily Rasa (liquid portion of the system). The use of oleaginous things is, therefore, beneficial in this

  1. • The waters in the rainy season are generally muddy and impure. When, after the rains, the waters become purer, it is said in Hindu mythology that owing to the rise of Agastya (a star making its appearance in the horizon after the rains — generally in the beginning of September) the waters become clear and transparent.