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Chap. LXIV.]

season. The use of saline, alkaline, bitter, acid and pungent articles of diet (prepared) with the addition of clarified butter or oil are beneficial. Food should not be taken cold, and drinks prepared with tikshna (hotpotencied) articles (such as strong wine should be taken, after pasting the body all over with Aguru-pastes. Baths should be taken in tepid water after rubbing in oil all over the body. Large inner apartments completely surrounded by rooms on all sides and containing fire-pots (serving the purpose of chimneys) should be used as bed-rooms, and the bed-sheets should be silken. Sufficiently warm coverings for the body should be used. Kings (and king-like personages) should lie within the sweet embraces of maidens with big breasts and thighs and scented with the fumes of Aguru, and they can, in this season, enjoy the sexual pleasures to their heart's content and should take proper soothing food. Sweet, bitter, pungent, acid and saline articles of food and drink, as well as Tila (sesamum -seeds), Másha-pulse, pot-herbs, curd, different modifications of sugar-cane-juice, scented and newly husked Śáli-rice, flesh of Prasaha, Ánupa, Kravyáda, Bileśaya, Audaka (aquatic), Plava and Pádin classes*[1] of animals, as well as clear transparent wines and all other invigorating articles of diet should be used to his content at the advent of cold by a person wishing vigour (of the body and of the mind). The rules for Hemanta enumerated above would hold equally good for the Śiśira (winter) season. 8-9.

Rules for Spring:— The bodily Kapha already stored in the organism owing to the coldness of the body during the Hemanta season is aggravated during the spring by the (increasing) heat (of the sun

  1. * For a list of the animals of the different classes mentioned here, see Chapter XLVI, Sutra-sthána, pages 480 &c., Vol. I.