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Jap. horu, horeru, to wish, to love; Sansk. haryâmi, to love; Greek chairō; Lat. gratus; Germ. gern; Engl. yearn.
Jap. öu, (properly ofu) to carry; Lat. veho; Sansk. vah, to carry; Greek echō, to hold, to sustain, ochos, a carriage; Engl. waggon.
Jap. wataru, to cross (especially a river); Lat. vudo; Engl. wade.
Jap. omo an old word for ‘mother’ connected with umu ‘to bring forth.’ Engl. mother; Lat. mater; Greek mētēr. In all these words we have a root ma, mo or me meaning to bring forth; the second syllable being merely a termination.
Jap. kori, ice; Lat. gelu.
Jap. muta, with, along with; Gr. meta; Ger. mit.
Jap. tsumu, to pile up; Lat. tumulus, a heap.
Jap. kake, a barn-door fowl; English, cock, chicken.
Jap. moru, to divide; Gr. meiromai, to divide, meros, a part; perhaps Lat. pars.
Jap. tōru, to pass through, tōrite thoroughly; Sansk. tar, to cross over, to go beyond; Lat. trans, beyond; Engl. through, thorough; Ger. durch.
Jap. taberu, to eat; Gre. daptō, deipnon; Lat. dapes.
Jap. tomeru, to stop; Engl. dam.
Jap. toku, to melt; Engl. thaw; Gr. tēkō.

In the following cases a Japanese k is represented by h in English.

Jap. keru, to kick; Lat. calx the heel, calcare to kick; Engl. heel.
Jap. kara, empty, a husk; Gr. koilos; Engl. hole, hollow, hull.
Jap. kumi, a collection, kumu to gather; Lat. cumulus (compare above tsumu and tumulus) Engl. heap. As above stated, p is not a Japanese letter and m is usually found instead.
Jap. koro, time; Sansk. kala, time; Gr. kairos, time; Engl. while.
Jap. kōbe, (for kamibe), the head; Gr. kephalos; Lat. caput; Ger. haupt; Engl. head;