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Mukden, 1905.
  Advance in thin skirmish lines, 76, 77
  Assault with cold steel, 134
  Attack, mode of Japanese, 343, 344
  Battle lines, density of, 239, 240
  Bayonet fights, 382
  Construction of cover in attack, 344
  Frontage, 239
  Gaps in the attacking line, 239
  Machine guns, 292
  Perseverance under fire, 348
  Reserves, 395, 396
  Sand bags, use of, in attack, 344
  Skirmish lines, thin, 76, 77
  Strength of opposing forces, 341
  Telephone communication, 247


Nachod, 1866.
  Bayonet attack, 153
  Concentration, 209
  Frontage, 231
  Losses, 153
  Mixing of organizations, 196
  Rencontre, 339

Nicholson's Neck, October 24, 1899.
  Crawling, 87, 88
  Volleys, ineffectiveness of, 157

  Bayonet fight, 382
  Counter-attack, 429, 433
  Flank attack, 358
  Intrenching tools, lack of, 388
  Losses, 332
  Reconnaissance, 253
  Surprise, 331

Nuits, December 18, 1870.
  Abridged attack, 330


Oerrshikiatsy (Shaho), 1904.
  Intrenching tools, use of, in attack, 388

Orleans, December 3, 1870.
  Counter-attack, 436
  Strength of German battalions, 36


Paardeberg, February 18, 1900.
  Advance without firing, 149
  Convalescence of wounded, 129
  Crawling, 87
  Distribution in depth, lack of, 238
  Frontage, 76, 227
  Intrenching tools, use of, in attack, 388