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  Opening fire at long range, 150
  Reinforcements, lack of, 227
  Skirmish lines, thin, 76

Pieters Hill, February 27, 1900.
  Fire support, 380
  Frontage, 238
  Machine guns, 289, 298

Plevna, 1877.
  Ammunition, expenditure of, 472
  Attacks with inadequate forces, 222, 223
  Bayonet fights, 382
  Combat impressions, 191
  Fire, opening, 152
    Uphill, ineffectiveness of, 183
    While in motion, 93
  Improvised units, 197, 198
  Intrenching tools, use of, 388
  Isolated attacks with inadequate forces, 222, 223
  Knapsacks, loss of, 364
  Losses among officers, 190
    At various ranges, 152, 177
  Mixing of organizations, 197
  Officers, losses among, 190
  Opening fire at long range, 152
  Ranges, underestimation of, 142
  Reserves, deployment of, 369
    Employment of, 395
  Rushes, 95
  Strength of opposing forces, 234
  Underestimation of ranges, 142
  Volleys, 158

Podol, June 26, 1866.
  Jägers, 23

Poplar Grove, March 7, 1900.
  Advance in attack formation, 206
  Attack formation of a brigade, 207
  Frontage, 238


Russo-Japanese War.
  Advance in thin skirmish lines, 76, 77
  Ammunition, expenditure and supply of, 473
  Formations under artillery fire, 321, 322
  Frontage, 238
  Infantry attack, 137, 340
  Local reconnaissance, 250
  Machine guns, 290
  Rushes, 89
  Strength of opposing forces, 341
  Wounds, character of, 128

Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
  Ammunition, expenditure of, 472
  Attacks, 222, 223
  Frontal counter-attacks, 438
  Losses, 176