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    Note 1, page 217, line 2.
    Long from its sanctuary of slumber torn.

    The urn, supposed to have contained the ashes of Virgil, has long since been lost.

    Note 2, page 217, line 14.
    The sighs of exiles, never to return.

    Many Romans of exalted rank were formerly banished to some of the small islands in the Mediterranean, on the coast of Italy. Julia, the daughter of Augustus, was confined many years in the isle of Pandataria, and her daughter, Agrippina, the widow of Germanicus, afterwards died in exile on the same desolate spot.

    Note 3, page 217, line 18.
    That glowing land was but their sepulchre.

    "Quelques souvenirs du cœur, quelques noms de femmes, réclament aussi vos pleurs. C'est à Misène, dans le lieu même où nous sommes, que la veuve de Pompée, Cornélie, conserva jusqu'à la mort son noble deuil; Agrippine pleura long-temps Germanicus sur ces bords. Un jour, le même