Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/264

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xxxx. erre.�iiiu. 47 j!?udged of the merits of men by their abi}ifies in thig art"icular ? and we_ have a famous ftory of a m0ii adous and long-headed king, who gave a n thole times, two bifho?rieks at once for a .?_ffalis Rex, tolls Grex ? the common: people born row 7h?ir fafl?om ?nd their opinions rom-th? court. and therefbre it ,s no wonder that a punning mo- narch produc'd a race of punning and ?un-admirh?e liege �ubje&s:. plain fenfe was efteefia'd nont?n? from the pulplb which rung with ambiguities and double meanings; the oor firmer was mi hti] , �P g Y awaken d to h? _duty by a pretty i0u?, and often- time? owed his fairorion to a quibble or a drum i the devil wa? jefled out of his dominions, ?nd heaven was crouPled with religious and Indeed tlae pro&ice of' i?unnlng in the [?uI?it at prefent fomewha abated; Dr. S o ? a' vi bering, think, the loft Ieamed divine that is eminent-for his fpiritual doking to five louis. But it i? not yet wholly difu?:d; e�pecially when the pervert?ne�s the times will not permit the good man to ddi- yet his meaning l?l?inly and ex�li�ite? to hi? congre- gation. Thu?, the reverend Mr. Whartra on the z9th of ?ay, x ? x9, toki us in a very emphaticaI manner, ?batjufli?e, (,amongft other great-.wonders which Ferf3rms) RESWORE'Vii all things, and I have heard of another orthodox parrot, who chot? for his Text, (which, by way' of preamble, he tokl us was the ?,ord of God,) Jolts the third, and the �From hence it appears, that Poesn? is not in. t?rdy bani?ed from the tulp?t, it being frequently made u�e of, on great emergences, to fecure the f_un/?ior? in the execution of their d?ty, and even �ometimes l?Ureiy out of waggery and wanton- $om.e