Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/265

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Terr, e-Filis. N �xx. Some per�ons have alle?g'd v? pofitivdy, in ?indi?rion of the derg? herein,? that this art is o? divine inffituuon, and have produced ft. v? in?ces out of the old and new t?amtnt, to ?rove their a?etion? but, as it is not the proper ufine[s of .laymen to decide in there cdfes? ! wi? l?ve ?t to the determination of the pro?er But, altho' it is not quite fo common in the ?ul- ?is ?s it has ? ?ormerly, ne? did this f?cetious Mrt (and I x? I could fly the time of fll other arts) flouri? in fuch perf?ion as it does in pri- ?ate clubs and merry meetings; ?here it heightens fie pielutes of coaverfition, ?ves us a quick to theto?, a flavo? to the ,wine, and a rdi? the ?oyment of our ?iends. ?ow ?y long ?mmer day? and minter even- hgs ?ve I fpent at oxvouu m this witty and dd?ghfful manner? How wa? I ple?, tho' I was no gr?t art? my fetf. to h? my jovial compa- nions difpIay their ambiguom capacities againR one anoth? ? W?t a fmfible plylure was it to be- hold the ?eere? wit ?ndi? aMut in fo hvi? mann? ?? 0 ? Oxrouo ? thouBriti?s p?adife ? what nvi?g delights do? thou ?ur forth to thy chil- dr? XV?t egregious ch?rem ha? thou to of? ..- Zt hac dim meraini? jurabit. I was acquainted with two gentlemen there, ve- ry ingenious in this.way, who ufed to aflbrd me abundance of ente?ta,nment ? they'would pun and repsu, in feverat lange_ age? upon each other, and be 'nning with_ the a:hurch, would go on without gl . . any hefitauon, m an uninterrupted line of quibbln. tilt they brought it to a ?,heel-barrow, or any other word, wb. ich the corn?any fhould mention. 'I'o