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conception of, 352-354; intergradations of, 242; material, stability of, 340; means of interpretation of, 352-354; Mongoloid-Red peoples, contributions to, 362-363; most advanced in area of intense agriculture, 19; origin, theories of, 342-354; periods, in Eastern United States, 276; Plains, 206-209; possibility of transpositions of, 336; seafaring, 43; sequences in, 275; subdivisions of, South Atlantic area, 248-250; subdivisions of, Atlantic Highlands, 267; subdivisions, Colombia, 264; subdivisions, Ecuador, 265; succession of in Chile, 266; term defined, 350; time required for development of, 317; trait-association, 350-352; traits, correlation with faunal and floral distributions, 338; traits, originality of many New World, 356; traits, patterns for, 344; traits, South American, 230; traits, similarities in, 342; types of Southwestern area, 224; unity of, in California archæology, 259; typical, North Atlantic area, 245-248; unity in fundamentals, New World, 202, 356; unity of original Pueblo, 257; varieties in Inca area, 231-232
Cycle, annual, tribes in salmon area, 15; religious, Maya, 181; yearly, ceremonial, 190, 200; yearly, in social life, 153
Cymotrichi, found in Polynesian-European group, 312

Dakota, 95, 96, 109, 137, 145, 151, 161, 172, 272, 306, 320, 344
Dancing Birds, distribution of story, 196
Day and night, origin of, as told in myths, 195
Decoration, architectural, North Pacific Coast, 110; coiled baskets, 80-81; Columbia pottery, 264; Marajo Island pottery, 267; Peruvian pottery, 93; pottery, 75, 81; pottery and baskets, 76, 77
Decorations, North Pacific Coast baskets, 89; painted on bark and wood, 94; on pottery by glaze, 71-72
Decorative art, development of, 97; features of Maya and Nahua buildings, 105
Deer, 16; chief game in eastern maize area, 19
Deluge concept, distribution, 199
Déné, 10, 52, 54, 86, 89, 111, 122, 168, 175, 176, 177, 188, 217-218
Descent, common, Mongoloid, and New World peoples, 298; morphological grouping of mankind based on, 298; skin color indicating common with Asiatic peoples, 299
Deserted Children, distribution of story, 196
Design areas, North America, 80; ceramic, an index to chronology, 76; elements, Plains beadwork, 85; geometric, range of, 76; names, 95, 96, 97; unity of concepts, Peruvian pottery and cloth, 93
Designs, alligator and armadillo, 91; Algonkin pottery, 79; analysis of, 95; analytic comparison of, 84; Apache baskets, 82; basketry and beadwork, 95; basketry, California center, 79; beaded and painted, Plains, 82; cane basketry, 89, 94; caribou and eastern maize area, 84; Chilkat blankets, 88-89; decorative, 76-99; distribution of, 79-95; Inca textiles, 92; influenced by technique of basketry and weaving, 77; Navajo blankets, 81; Northwest Amazon, 94; painted on pottery, 91, 93; Peruvian, series of, 92; Plains and California, independent origin of, 84; Plains-like, Déné shields, 219; pottery, 75, 78; realism in, 77, 79; Shoshoni beadwork and basketry, 84; symbolism in, 95-98; Southwestern pottery, 81-83; textile, 76-79, 90, 91, 93-94; on urns, from Chile, 267
Diaguite, 266
Dialects, language, defined, 281