Page:The Ancient City- A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome.djvu/12

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CONTENTS. BOOK FOURTH. REVOLUTIONS. CUAPTEH PAGE I. Patricians and Clients 299* II. The ricbeians o07 III. First Revolution 314 1. Tiie Political Power is taken from the Kings, who still retain their Religious Authority. . SH 2. History of this Revolution at Sparta 316 3. History of this Revolution at Athens 319 i. History of this Revolution at Rome 324 IV. The Aristocracy govern the Cities 330- V. Second Revolution. Changes in the Constitution of the Family. The Right of Primogeniture disappears. Tiie Gens is dismembered. . .• . . 33fr VI. The Clients are Freed 341 1. Wh-it Clicntship was at first, and how it was transformed 341 2. Clicntship disappears at Athens. The Work of Solon 349 3. Transformation of Clicntship at Rome. . . . "ioi VII. Third Revolution. Plebs enter the City 3C0 1. History of this Revolution SCO 2. History of this Revolution at Athens 372 3. History of this Revolution at Rome 379 VIII. Changes in Private Law. Code of the Twelve Tables. Code of Solon 410' IX. The New Principle of Government. The Public Interest and the SufTrago 423 X. An Aristocracy of Wcaltli attempts to establish it- self. Establishment of the Democracy. Fourth Revolution 430