Page:The Ancient City- A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. T CDAPTER PAOB XI. Rules of the Democratic Government. Examples of Athenian Democracy 439- XII. liich and Poor. The Democracy falls. Popular Tyrants 449 XIII. Revolutions of Sparta 458 BOOK FIFTH. THE MUNICIPAL REGIME DISAPPEARS. I. New Beliefs. Philosophy changes the Principles and Rules of Politics 470 II. The Roman Conquest 481 1. A few Words on the Origin and Population of Rome 482^ 2. First Aggrandizement of Rome (753-350 C.C.) 48G 3. IIow Rome acquired Empire (350-140 B. C). 49a 4. Rome everywhere destroys the Municipal System 50a 6. The Conquered Nations successively enter the Roman City 508 XIL Christianity changes the Conditions of Govern- ment 519