Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/38

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xxiv CONTENTS. PAGES The structure of the true skin — -The perspiration tubes — The tubes of the oil-glands — Great value of the cold bath — Importance of the rubbing dowTi after the cold bath — The cold bath as a preventive of disease — The cold bath in the maintenance of health — The warm cleansing bath — The beneficial effect of adding salt at the end of a warm bath — Other interesting hints . 24-34 Loss of hair in Australia — Structure of the hair, and its blood supply — The hair is not a tube — Management of the hair — Singeing the hair — ^Washing the hair — De- scription of brushes and combs recommended — Hard rim of the hat a factor in thinning the hair — Excellent applications for promoting the growth of the hair . 34-38 Formation of the nail — Different parts of the nail — Growth of the nail — The care of the nails . . . 38,39 Disorders arising from loss of teeth — The preservation of the teeth — An admirable recipe for a tooth-powder — Manage- ment of the teeth — Use of floss silk . . . 89-41. CHAPTER IV. BEDROOM VENTILATION. The bedroom the most important room in the house — Neces- sity for proper ventilation — ^Extra allowance of sleep in hot climates — Crowding of articles in bedrooms con- demned — Eesults of breathing vitiated air — Injuriously affects the heart as well as the lungs — The proper dimensions of a bedroom — Regulation of the ventilation — Mosquito nettings for summer months — Fresh air equally required in the cooler months . . . 42- 49 CHAPTER V. CLOTHING, AND WHAT TO WEAK. Ko clothing actually creates warmth of itself — The varying powers of clothing to detain air in its meshes — Two or three layers of clothing always warmer than a single garment equal to their combined thickness — The trans-