Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/39

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CONTENTS. XXV PAGES mission of the bodj'-lieat to the clothes— The different fabrics are either good or bad conductors of heat — Per- meability of clothing to air — The vegetable kingdom ; the properties of cotton and of linen — The animal pro- ducts ; the properties of silk and of wool — Wool one of the best materials to -wear next the skin— Recommenda- tions for wearing -woollen under-garments — The way to prevent them from shrinking — The modern pyjamas immensely superior to the old-fashioned bed-gown — The clothing should be modified according to the season of the year ...... 50-56 CHAPTER VI. DIET — IMPORTANCE OF BREAKFAST, FRUIT, TEA, COFFEE, ICED DRINKS, TOBACCO. Breakfast usually scampered through — Monotony of the ordinary breakfast — A plea for something better — Butter during Australian summer months— The ice- chest an absolute necessity — Breakfast should be a sub- stantial meal ...... 57-60 Fruit fortunately abundant in Australia — The agreeable qualities of fruits reside in three factors — Fruit must neither be over-ripe nor under-ripe — The anti-scorbutic properties of fruit — Changes in the blood in scurvy — Mild forms of sciirvy not uncommon — Symptoms of an excess of uric acid in the system — A word for olives . CO-67 Abuse of tea by the gentler sex — Protest against lunch of tea and bread and butter — An admirable opportunity for philanthropic efforts — Tea to be enjoyed, and not mis- used — The making of tea — The anti-tannic teapot . 67-70 The three active principles of coffee — Coffee stimulates the brain — Coffee relieves fatigue and exhaustion, whether mental or manual — The virtues of coffee— Coffee as a remedy in different diseases — The details of coffee roast- ing — The art of making coffee — The cafetiere, or French coffee-pot — Proportions of coffee and of chicory in ) " cafe noir " and " cafe au lait " respectively — Minute instructions for making coffee .... 70-7G