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candidates must have fulfilled the following conditions: viz., obtained (1) a first class in Classical Moderations; (2) a first class in the Final Classical School, or a second class in the Final Classical School, together with two of the three Chancellor's prizes (Latin verse, Latin essay, English essay); (3) two out of the three Classical University Scholarships (the Hertford, Ireland, and Craven Scholarships). He was offered Fellowships at three colleges; but elected to be Fellow of New College. Subsequently he was appointed Professor of Greek at Glasgow University in succession to Professor R. C. Jebb, now Professor of Greek at Cambridge, and in competition with Dr. Verrall, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and some of the most distinguished scholars of the day. He married Hon. Mary Henrietta Howard, eldest daughter of Right Hon. George James, 9th Earl of Carlisle, by Rosalind Frances, youngest daughter of Edward John, 2nd Lord Stanley of Alderley. Professor Murray published in 1890 "Gobi or Shamo; a Story of Three Songs."

Murray, Right Rev. James, D.D., first Bishop of Maitland, N.S.W., was born in Ireland in 1828, and educated at the Propaganda College at Rome, where he remained from his fourteenth to his twenty-fourth year (1852), when he was admitted to the priesthood. He then returned to Dublin, where he remained until his appointment to the see of Maitland, in the province of Sydney. During eleven years of this period he acted as private secretary to Cardinal Cullen. On Nov. 14th, 1865, he was consecrated first Bishop of Maitland, and in October of the following year he landed in New South Wales. Since he took possession of the see, the ecclesiastical and educational development of the diocese under his auspices has been enormous.

Murray, Reginald Augustus Frederick, Government Geologist, Victoria, is the eldest son of Captain Virginius Murray who was Warden of Goldfields and a police magistrate in Victoria from 1852 to 1861, and Eliza Alicia (Poitiers) his wife. He was born on Feb. 18th, 1846, at Frimley, Surrey, England. On the death of his father, in 1861, he was employed on the geological survey of Victoria, and wrote a work on the geology and physical geography of Victoria. He is now Government Geologist in the Victorian Department of Mines, and ranks high as a scientific expert. Mr. Murray, who has made extensive geological surveys throughout Victoria, and many of whose reports have been printed in official blue-books, married first, in 1869, Miss Jane Louisa Otway Ford; and, secondly, in 1888, Miss Ethel Baker.

Murray, Hon. Sir Terence Aubrey, M.L.C., sometime President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, was born at Limerick in 1810, and went out to New South Wales in 1827, with his father, who, after spending seven years in Australia, had returned to Ireland on sick leave in the previous year. He spent four years on his father's station at Lake George, and on visiting Sydney in 1833 was gazetted a magistrate, in which capacity he assisted Mr. Waddy (who commanded the Mounted Police) in repressing bushrangers. In 1843 he was elected to the first Legislative Council of New South Wales for Murray, King and Georgiana, and retained a seat in that body till 1856, when responsible government was inaugurated; and he was returned to the Lower Chamber (then first instituted) for the Southern boroughs. He was Secretary for Lands and Works in the first Cowper Government from August to Oct. 1856, and acted as Auditor-General in addition from August to September. He was again head of the Lands and Works Department in the second Cowper Ministry, from Sept. 1857 to Jan. 1858, when he resigned. In Jan. 1860 he succeeded Sir Daniel Cooper as Speaker of the Assembly, and held that position till Oct. 1862, when he was nominated to the Upper House, with the position of President, which he held till his death in 1873. He was knighted in 1869, and married, as his second wife, Agnes, third daughter of John Edwards, of Fairlawn House, Hammersmith, near London, who survived him, and died in Feb. 1890, after living to witness the extraordinary success of her eldest son, for whose education she made considerable sacrifices. Sir T. A. Murray died on June 22nd, 1873.

Murray-Prior, Hon. Thomas Lodge, M.L.C., Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Council, Queensland, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Murray-Prior, 11th Hussars, who was at the battle of Water-