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loo, by his second wife, Eliza, daughter of W. A. Skynner, of Moor Hall, Berkshire. He was born on Nov. 13th, 1819, at Wells, Somerset, and was educated under Rev. Wm. Drury at Brussels, Monsieur Giron at Reading, and Dr. Burney at Gosport. He emigrated to Sydney, arriving in May 1839; subsequently he proceeded to Queensland, and ultimately became first Departmental Postmaster-General for the colony, a position which he held for about five years. After the separation of the colony from New South Wales he was Postmaster-General in the second Herbert Ministry from July 21st to August 7th, 1866, and held the same office in the Mackenzie Ministry from Aug. 15th, 1867, to Nov. 25th, 1868. He was reappointed Postmaster-General in the Palmer Ministry on May 3rd, 1870, and held the post till Jan. 8th, 1874. On all of these occasions Mr. Murray-Prior represented the Government in the Legislative Council, to which he was appointed on Feb. 22nd, 1866. Mr. Murray-Prior succeeded the Hon. D. F. Roberts as Chairman of Committees on July 31st, 1889. He was married first, at South Creek, Sydney, N.S.W., on Sept. 3rd, 1846, to Matilda, daughter of Thomas Harpur, of Cecil Hills, Liverpool, in that colony (who died on Nov. 25th, 1868); and, secondly, at Ryde, Parramatta River, N.S.W., on Dec. 18th, 1872, to Nora Clarina, daughter of Robert Johnstone Barton, of Boree, Nevang, N.S.W.

Musgrave, Sir Anthony, G.C.M.G., son of Anthony Musgrave, M.D., of Antigua, was Private Secretary to Mr. Mackintosh when Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, in 1850-51; entered as student at the Inner Temple in 1851; was Treasury Accountant at Antigua in 1852; resumed legal studies at the Temple in 1853, and was appointed Colonial Secretary of Antigua, Feb. 1854; Administrator of the colony of Nevis, Oct. 1860; Administrator of Government of St. Vincent, April 1861; Lieut.-Governor of St. Vincent. May 1862; Governor of Newfoundland, April 1864; Governor of British Columbia, June 1869; Lieut-Governor of Natal, May 1872; and Governor of South Australia in June 1873. This post he held in remarkably quiet times till Jan. 1877, when he left the colony to assume the Governorship of Jamaica, where he remained till 1883. In that year he was transferred to Queensland, where he assumed office in November. In 1888 he became involved in a dispute with the Premier, Sir Thomas McIlwraith, in regard to the exercise of the prerogative of pardon, and in the result his views were not sustained by the Colonial Office. Sir Anthony, who died at Brisbane whilst still Governor, on Oct. 9th, 1888, married first, in 1854, Christiana Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. Sir William Byam, of Antigua, who died in 1859; and, secondly, in 1870, Jeanie Lucinda, daughter of David Dudley Field, of Gramercy Park, New York. He was created C.M.G. in 1871, K.C.M.G. in 1875, and G.C.M.G. in 1885.

Musgrove, Alexander William, J.P., was engaged for some years in commercial pursuits in the West Indies, and arrived in Victoria about 1848. He became a clerk in the department of Trade and Customs in 1851, and was appointed collector of customs at Warrnambool in 1858. In 1877 he was removed to Melbourne as receiver, and in 1880 was promoted to the position of Chief Clerk, and to that of Permanent Head (acting) in 1883. He was made Secretary of Trade and Customs, and Collector of Customs, Melbourne, in the first division of the public service, in 1884. Mr. Musgrove was a justice of the peace for the central bailiwick, and P.D.G.M. of the Victorian constitution of Freemasons. Mr. Musgrove figured as ex-officio defendant in the Chinese exclusion case, which was heard on appeal before the Privy Council in 1890. He died in Oct. 1891.

Mylne, Thomas, J.P., Civil Service Commissioner, Queensland, was born in 1838 at Boness, Linlithgowshire, educated at Perth Academy and Glasgow University, and arrived in Queensland in July 1864, after passing as a writer and public notary. In October of the same year he entered the professional branch of the Registrar-General's office, of which he was chief clerk and second deputy-registrar for several years. In 1878 he was appointed principal deputy Registrar-General. In 1884 the Real Property Office was separated from the Registrar-General's Department, and Mr. Mylne accepted the post of Registrar of Titles, which he retained until Dec 1889, when he received the appointment of Civil Service Commissioner.