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tween bites on a donated lamb chop. Then his wide came back and they had a quarrel. He was a country gentleman. But he had never been out of a big city. You could tell that. When the boys were treating each other to cigars and drinks you could easily see that he was an out-of-town buyer.

His wife and he decided to break up what housekeeping they had. So she took the trapeze and the birdcage and left him without a place to sleep.

By this time he decided that any flu germ that bit him would get an awful headache, and drank so much near-beer that he had to learn to swim. He got so fat that he looked like a picture of Shakespeare surrounded by his friends.

His last illness was short and dry. They operated on his hip pocket and removed the appendix to the Bartender's Guide.

His life shows that all is not tinsel and glory, but that if a man starts out to make good in this world he has a good fighting chance if he is in the draft age and hasn't got busted arches or a friend on the board.

Taking it in all, we would say that he was a good average citizen. Which is equivalent to the reason why they build annexes to sanitariums.