Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/11

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Gave freely blood and wealth the weak to aid,—
So (naturally) wants, now, to be paid.
When Politics get into such a maze,
Beati possidentes seems the phrase.

Proserpine. Most aptly spoken!
Thetis. That may mean, I'm told,
Happy are they who own "men, ships, and gold,"
In that case I congratulate my nation.
Proserpine. I don't think Pallas hinted that translation;—
Rather, I think, "that each kept what she had,
By hook or crook;" and I should be most glad
To guarantee you this.
Thetis. Thanks Proserpine;
I like, myself, to guarantee what's mine.
As for your terms, we know you undertook
To free Bulgaria, quite on your own hook;—
And for your crook,—it thus has pleased the Fates,—
Your crooked ways have brought you to the Straits.
Proserpine. But, Thetis, why of me this sad suspicion?—
I but performed a conscientious mission.
Thetis. When interest and duty coincide,
'Tis well to know for what they are allied.
Proserpine. Have you not scann'd with care each narrow pinch,—
Jealously watch'd my every onward inch
In Turkey?