Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/12

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Thetis. Prudence thus to watch compels,
That Turkish inches don't mean Dardanelles.
Prosperine. I don't know why I should be "sat upon."
Thetis. You say your armour Conscience buckled on;—
Then just continue in consistent strain,
And let your Conscience take it off again.
Prosperine. Was it for this I left my Pluto's halls?
Thetis. Is it for this you threaten Stamboul's walls?
Prosperine. To please you, I forbade my troops go nigher,—
Thetis. By "special message." They advanced by wire.
Minerva Come, Sister Goddesses, as President,
I cannot say I think this time well spent;—
Eh, Hebe?
Hebe. Just so. It makes little odds
To me, how things go; so the other gods
Are satisfied. The Adriatic Sea
Belongs (as all will own) by right to me:—
So that is taken for granted.
Juno. How do you know?
Perhaps there may be some small share for Juno.
What have you for this new-found claim to show.
Hebe. My yachts—Duilio and Dandolo.
Juno. Mistake not youth for strength,—nor trust to them;—
"Ex pede (not 'ex Hebe') Herculem."