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VI. P. Sébillot, Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne, 3me.série, 1882, pp. 164-171.

VII. Wentworth Webster, Basque Legends, 1877, pp. 151-154. See Luzel, Légendes chrétiennes, p. 90, note.

VIII. A. Le Braz, La lègende de la mort chez les Bretons armoricains, nouv. éd., 1902, ii. 211-231.

IX. L. Giner Arivau, Folk-Lore de Proaza (Asturia), in Biblioteca de las tradiciones populares españolas, viii. 194-201 (1886).

X. Gittée and Lemoine, Contes populaires du pays Wallon, 1891, pp. 57-61.


Roman van Walewein, ed. Jonckbloet, 1846. Analyzed by G. Paris, Hist. litt. de la France, xxx. 82-84, and by W. P. Ker, The Roman van Walewein (Gawain) in Folk-Lore, v. 121-127 (1894). My analysis is a combination made from these two summaries.


Cosquin, Contes populaires de Lorraine, 1886, i. 208-212 (no. xix). Noted by Hippe, p. 157.


Cénac Moncaut, Contes populaires de la Gascogne, 1861, pp. 5-14, "Rira bien qui rira le dernier." Summarized by Köhler, Or. und Occ. ii. 329. Mentioned by Hippe, p. 157, and by Groome, Folk-Lore, ix. 239.


Novella di Messer Dianese e di Messer Gigliotto, ed. d'Ancona and Sforza, 1868. Analyzed by Liebrecht, Held. Jahrbücher der Lit. lxi. 450 (1868), by d'Ancona, Romania, iii. 191, (reprinted in his Studj di critica e storia, 1880, p. 353), and by Hippe, p. 152. D'Ancona's summary is from Papanti, nov. xxi. The variant is of the fourteenth century, according to the writer of the introduction of the edition of 1868, p. 5. See also Foerster, Richars li Biaus, p. xxiv, and Wilhelmi, pp. 44 and 57.

Stellante Costantina.

D'Ancona, Romania, iii. 192, mentions the popular poem Istoria bellissima di Stellante Costantina figliuola del gran turco, la quale fu rubata da certi cristiani che teneva in corte suo padre e fu venduta