Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/424

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414 Journal of Ph Ho locj j . Panofka Festival of fullers and millers (Plin. xxxv. 143), by Otto Jahn. ( In the Arch'dologischer Anzeiger, No. HI . Gerhard gives a review of the year.) No. (i-1. The Phrygian Sun-god, by (Jerhard (with a plate). Ascent to the Acropolis, by Curtius. Kairos, by Otto Jahn. Atalanta and Helena, by Osann. Dolomedee, bjp Otto Jahn. No. 65. Phrygian god on horseback, by Gerhard (with a plate). Leaden figures in the Menelaion, by L. Ross (with a plate) Mithric hone-head, by (iiitt- ling. Andromeda, by Otto Jahn. Triton and Galatea, by Sam. Birch. Group of Niobe's children, by Panofka. Demokopos and Osann. No. 66. Merope, by Otto Jahn (with a plate). Ageladas, by Osann Ztus as a dancer, by Panofka. (In the Arch'dologischer Anzeiger, No. 64, are accounts of the additions to the Vienna imperial Museum, and to the British Museum : in Nos. 05 and 66, Excavations in Southern Russia, by Leontjeft"). Discovery of a lararium near Reggio. by 1). Cel. Cavedoni. Greek inscriptions, 1. from Athens, by A. Von Velsen ; 2. from Modena, by Cavedoni. Notes from England, by F. v. P. Gbtt. Gel. Anz. 1854. Nos. 73 76. On Burnouf's Le Lotus de la bonne Loi tra- duit du Sanscrit, by Theod. Benfey Nos. 7b", 79. On Wuttke's Geschichte dee Heidenthums, by H. E[wald]. Nos. 79, 80. On Ueltzen's Constitutiones aposto- licee, by Fr. DUsterdieck. No. 80. On Summers's Lecture on the Chinese langvaae, by K. L. Biernatzki. Nos. 85 88. On Rapp's Vergleichende Gratnmalik, by Theod. Benfey. Nos. 90, 91. On Uhlhorn's Die Homilien u. Recognitionen des Clemens Rom anus, by Uhlhorn. Nos. 94 96. On Hardy's Eastern Mo/uie/iism, by Theod. Benfey. No. 96. On Bohringer's Die Kirche Christi u. ihre Zengen, by Holzhausen Nos. 101 105. On Westergaard's Bundehesh liber Pehlevicus, by M. Haug Nos. 105107. On Grimm's Worterbuch, by G. W. Nos. 107, 108. On Schade's Sage von der h. Ursula, by Fr. DUsterdieck. Nos. 109110. On Griitz's Geschichte der Juden vom Untergang des jiidischen Staales bis zutn Ab- schluss des Talmud, by H. E[wald]. Nos. 110, 111. On Die Urkiuiden des Stiffs Walkenried, by E. G. F No. 112. On Hertz's Gellius, Vol. 2, by Lion.- Nos. 113118. On Romanin 's Storia documentala di Venezia. No. 128. On Michel- sen's Codex Thuring'uz dtplomaticus, by E. G. F. Nos. 129 132. On Smith's Dissertation on the origin arid connection of the gospels, by Ernst Ranke Nos. 1 II 144. On Lipsius's Paulinische Rechtfertigungslehre, by Messncr. Nos. 145, 1 W>. On Lepsius's Allgemeine lingnislischc Alphabet, by H. E[wald] No. 148. On Baier's Symbolik der christlichen Confessionem, by Fr. DUsterdieck. Nos. 149, L">0. On Pauli's Geschichte von England, by G. Waitz. No. 152. On Wegele's 77///- ringische Geschichtsquellen, by G. Waitz Nos. 163, 164. On Riehm's Crsr/zar- bung Mosis im Lande Moab, by Holzhausen. Nos. 165, U6. On the Codex dip/o. maticus Lusalia superioris, and on Neumann s Meissner n. Ohrrtausitzer Crkun- den, by G. Waitz Nos. 170 172. On Luthardt's Johannrisebr Evanfftihtm, by Uhlhorn .No. 172. On Pertsch's UpaMh* de Kramap&tha libelliu, by Th. Ben- fey. No. 173. Ewald's notice of his Alterlh'umer des Volkcs Israel.- Nos. 17- r . 17'i. On Meyer's Kommentar ubcr den R'dmerbrief, by Kollner. Heidelberger Jahrb. 1854. Nos. 14, 15. On Bauchenstein's Lysias,by K No. 16. On Bielowski's Pompeius Trogus, by C. B'ahr. On PeiU and Wuttke's Cosmographia Ethici, by Roth. No. 26. On Goler's Kdmpfe bei Dyrrachium and Pharsalus, by C. Bahr Nos. 26, 27. On Ritschel's Plautus, by Kayser. No. 31. On the worship of Dolichenus, by J. Becker. No. 45. Saalschutz's Mosaisehes Recht, by F. MUhlhausen. Klotz's Handw'nrlerhueh der latein. Sjirache, &c, by Moser. Illgen u. Niedner's Zeitschr. f. d. historische Theologic. Hamburg u. Gotha. 1854. No. 4. The theology of the Apostolic Fathers, &c. by J. H. B. LUbkert The Synod of Dort and the Apocrypha, by A. Schweizer.