Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/425

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Contents of Foreign Journals. 415 Jahn's Jahrb. Vol. G9. part 4. On Kock's Ed. of the Equites, by R. Enger.. On Overbeck's Gallerie heroischer Bildwerke der alien Kunst, by Petersen On certain Latin dictionaries, by Ladewig On Telfy's Studien iiber die Alt. und Neu- griechen, by G. Stier Part 5. On Doderlein's Homerisches Glossarium, by H. Diintzer. On Schneidewin's Sophocles Antig. and Electra, by L. Kayser. On the Corpus Inscr. Grose. Vol. iii., of Boeckh, and the Antiquites Helleniques of Ran- gabe, (a general article on Greek Palaeography, of considerable interest), by L. Ross. Review of Enger on the Parabasis in the Clouds, by W. TeufFel. With other short notices. Part 6. On Doderlein's Horn. Gloss, continued. On Kirchhoff's Eurip* Medea, by A. Nauck On Spengel's Rhetores Grceci, by L. Ross. On Weissen- born's Livy, by H. Heerwagen. With shorter Notices. Vol. 70, part 1. On Kirch- hoff's Eurip. Troades, by A. Nauck. On Muller and Steinhart's Platon's s'dmmt- liche Werke, by Fr. Susemihl On C. W. Nauck's Odes and Epodes of Horace, by Kolster. On Bielowski's Pompeii Trogi Fragmenta, by F. Osann. On Classen's Beobachtungen iiber den horn. Sprachgehauch, by Pideret. With other short notices. Journal des Savants, April 1854. On the discovery of the circulation of the blood, Art. 2nd and last, by M. Flourens. On Langlois' translation of the Rig-Ve'da, Art. 7th and last, by M. Saint- Hilaire. Franc. Carellii numorum Italics veteris tabb. ccii. ed. Coziest. Cavedonius, Art. 2, by M. Raoul-Rochette May. On Burnouf's translation (from the Sanscrit) Le Lotus de la bonne lot, Art. 1, by M. Saint-Hilaire. On Fr. Carellii) S[C. Art. 3 June. On the Illustrazione di due degli antichi dipinti trovati negli scavi di Via Graziosa, discorso di P. Matranga. Roma, 1852. 4to. Art. 1, by M. Raoul-Rochette. Histoire de Vharmonie &;c. Art. 3, by M. Vi- tet. Le Lotus tyc, Art. 2, by M. Barthe'lemy Saint-Hilaire. Patrum Nova Biblio- iheca, Art. 2, by M. Miller. July. Le Lotus c, Art. 3. Among the books noticed is the Dictionnaire des manuscrits, which forms two large volumes of Migne's En- cyclopedic theologique, and is based chiefly on the works of Haenel (Leipzig, 1830) and Montfaucon. Aug. Illustrazione c, Art. 2nd and last, by M. Raoul-Ro- chette. Le Lotus $c, Art. 4, by M. Saint-Hilaire Among the books noticed is Decouverte d'une ville gallo-romaine, dite Landunum ; examen des fouilles, par MM. Mignard et Lucien Coutant. Didron, a Paris 8vo. pp. 83, with 13 plates Sept. Inscriptiones regni Neapolitani latina?, etc., Art. 1, by M. Hase. Le Lotus, c. Art. 5, by M. Saint-Hilaire. Histoire de I'harmonie au moyen age, par M. de Cousse- maker, Art. 4, by M. Vitet. Mem. de l'lnst. Acad, des sciences morales et politiques. Tom. viii. 1852. On the Sdnkhya, by M. Barthe'lemy Saint-Hilaire The republics of Athens and Sparta, by M. Troplong. Mem. pre'sente'es par divers savants a l'Acad. des inscr. Prem. Serie. Tom. iv. 4to. Paris, 1854. On the life and works of Hero of Alexandria, and on all the Greek Mathematical works which have been attributed to any author named Hero, by M. Th. Henri Martin. [Contains many inedited fragments]. Munchen Gel. Anz. 1854. Nos. 3134. The Works of Avezac, Pertz, and Wuttke on Ethicus, by F. Kunstmann Nos. 5254. On Meineke's Alciphron, by Kayser. Nos. 5456. On Panofka's Zur Erklarung des Plinius, and C. F. Her- mann's Hadeskappe, by F. Creuzer. Nos. 5659. On Oppert's Inscriptions des Achemenides (a continuation), by F. Spiegel Vol. 93. Class 1. Nos. 14. On Hermann's Aeschylus, by L. Schiller Nos. 57. On Kruger's Horace, by L. Dbderlein On Urlich's Scopas im Peloponnes, by O. Jahn. Nos. 8, 9. On Janus' Macrobius, etc. and Hertz's Gellius, and Fleckeisen's Letter to Hertz, by Kayser. Nos. 10, 11. On Parthey's Hermetis Trismegisti Poemander,by F. Creuzer. Class 3. Nos. 49. Hefner's Das romische Bayern, by Chr. W. Gltick. [The papers in this Journal are now arranged in different classes, according to subjects.]