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Durzee Darzí A tailor.
Dustoor Dastúr Customs, manners, usage.
Dustoori Dastúrí Fee or percentage exacted by middlemen and servants
Dwaper Yug Dwápur Jug  The third age of the world.
Eblis Iblís The Mohammedan name for the Devil.
Eed ’Id A Mohammedan festival; their Easter.
Emir or Ameer  Amír A chief or noble.
Eurasians Eurasians Descendants of Europeans and Asiatics sometimes called East Indians, or half-castes.
Fakir Faqír A religious mendicant.
Feringhee Faringhí A European; a foreigner.
Ferishta Farishta An angel.
Firdoos Firdaus Paradise; the heaven of the Mohammedans.
Firman Farmán A royal order, mandate, command.
Foujdar Faujdár A commander; an army officer.
Gunesha Ganesh A Hindoo deity: the God of Wisdom, represented with an elephant's head.
Ganges Gunga The holy river of India. From Gunga, the river, represented as a deity.
Gharree Gárí A carriage, cart.
Ghareewan Gáríwán A coachman.
Ghat Ghát A landing or bathing-place; flight of steps at a river ; also, a pass in mountains.
Ghee Ghí An inferior butter used for cooking.
Ghogra Ghógra A river in Upper India, a tributary of the Ganges
Gholam Ghulám A slave, a servant.
Ghora Ghorá A horse.
Ghur Ghar House, home, habitation.
Ghurra Ghará An earthen water-pot or pitcher.
Ghurree Gharí A clock, watch, hour.
Gomashta Gumáshta An agent, officer, or superintendent.
Goomtee Gumtí A river in Oude flowing by Lucknow.
Godown Gudám A store-house, cellar, warehouse, magazine.
Gora Gorá A white man; an English soldier.
Gossain Gossáin A religious mendicant worshiping Mahadev, (Shiva.)
Gonah Gunáh A sin, crime.
Gram Gram A kind of vetch, pulse, or peas.
Guddee Gaddí Pad, cushion, or seat; a throne or royal seat.
Guicowar Gaekwár Name of a sovereign in the South.
Gully Galí Street, alley, way.
Guroo Gurú A religious teacher, priest.
Guz Gaz A measure; a short yard.
Hackery Hackery A native cart drawn by bullocks.
Hadjee Hájí A Mohammedan who has made the pilgimage to Mecca.
Hukeem Hakím A Mohammedan doctor, a sage, philosopher.
Hakim Hákim A ruler, governor, king.