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Hanuman Hanumán The deified monkey who was the ally of Rama.
Harem Haram Sacred, prohibited, the inner or women's apartmenta
Hati Háthí An elephant.
Havildar Hawáldár A native sergeant.
Hazree Házirí Breakfast, presence.
Hejira Hijrí Flight; the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, 16th of July, A. D. 622; the Mohammedan era.
Hera Hírá A diamond.
Hookah Huqqa A smoking-pipe.
Hoolee Holí A Hindoo festival to commemorate the beginning of the new year.
Hoondes Hundí A native bank-note ; a bill of exchange.
Howdah Hauda A box-seat on an elephant's back; an elephant's saddle.
Huck Haqq Equity, truth, reason.
Hurkaru Harkára A messenger, a running courier.
Hurrumzadu  Haramzáda  A rascal, a bastard.
Huzar Hazár A thousand.
Huzoor Huzúr Royal presence; “Your Honor.”
Huzrat Hazrat Excellency, majesty, divine; a title accorded to superiors.
Huzrat Isa Hazrat ’Isá Jesus Christ.
Indra Indrá The God of Light. The leading ancient Vedic deity, sometimes called the God of Heaven, but now occupying only an inferior position.
Islam Islám The Mohammedan religion.
Istan Istán or Sthán A termination, signifying place or country, as Affghanistan that of the Affghans.
Izzut Izzat Honor, respect.
Jagheer Jágír A State or landed estate assigned by Government as a reward.
Jaghiredar Jágírdár A person holding a jagheer.
Jehan Jahán The world.
Jahaz Jaház A ship.
Jain Jain A kind of degenerate Buddhists.
Jat Ját A caste or sect; a tribe among the Rajpoots.
Jeel Jhíl A shallow lake or pond.
Jemmadar Jamadár A native subaltern officer; head-man of a village or class.
Jinn Jinn According to the Mohammedans, an intermediate race between angels and men.
Jotee Jútí A shoe or slipper.
Jowar Joár A kind of millet.
Juggernauth  Jaganáth The Lord of the World. A god of the Hindoos, whose temple is at Orissa.
Juldee Jaldí Quick! quickly!
Jumma Musjid  Jama Masjid  Chief mosque at Delhi. The largest place of Mohammedan worship in India.
Jammaut Jamáat Assembly, meeting, congregation.