Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/151

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SEVENTH "PARLIAMENT. XIV of March. i f4 o. i 3 t that time of the day, be ferved for thek money of fifh, to the furnifliing of the cuntrie : And flk-like , fra twahoures after noone, to fex houres at even , it fall not be leafum to bye , packe, orpeile the faidis Mi, hot that all our Soveraine Lordis lieges , at the faidis times of day , may be ferved of all maner of fifh , and bye the famin for their fiiver , for fufcentation oi their houfe , and ferving of the cuntrie about. And that na maner of perfon in this Realme , Merchand or uthers , fend or have ony maner of quhite fillie foorth of the famin, bot it faU be leafum to drangers to cum within this Realme, to bye the famin fra Merchandes and freemen of Burrowes , with reddie golde and fiiver , or be bartourihg of fufficient Merchandice , with the faidis Merchandes , or with the awners thereof, for their fuftentation , & necefiares of their houfes allanerly. And quhair ony perfones hes ony filhe packed or peiled , that they bee reddie at all times to fell the famin to all our Soveraine Lordis lieges , for furniihing and fuftentation of their houfe and the Countrie , under the paine of confifcation of the famin : IT IS Statute and ordained, that the Proveftes , Aldermen and Bailiies of Burrowes, in everie mercat day , pafieand vifitthemercattes"; and fetane price on all maner of fiihe, according to the time : And that they diligentlie inquire , gif ony maner of perfon gives arles , or money on ony maner of filhe, that cummis to the mercat , to the effect, that the famin may be fauid upon ane higher price , that they take and punifli the faidis perfones , as cowpares , fore-ftallers , and regratoures, asainit the commoun weill. 99. That na thing be taken for quhijfelling of gold. AL S W A , Anentis the artickle makand mention , that the Crowne of the Sunne , is commounlie re- fufed within this Realme , it wantand ane graine of the weicht , how-be-it the famin hes paflage in uther Countries, and fpecially in the Realme of France , it wayand the Crowne of the King : Therefore it is thocht expedient , for the commoun weill , thatna maner of perfon within this Realme, refufe to take the faide Crowne of weicht , inpayment, or for change for uther money , after the forme of the Kingis Grace Proclamation, fuppofe the famin want ane graine allanerlie , under the paine to be called and accufed, as breakers ofthefaidad" of Parliament: And becaufe findrie perfones havand quhite money , will not change for gold, bottakistherelore twelve pennies, ormairforquhifiellingofthe lamin, in high contemption of our Soverain Lord , and his authoritie : Herefore it is ftatute and ordained , that all maner of perfons , havand quhite money , that they reddelie change all maner of gold , conteined in our Soverain Lordis cry , of the prices conteined in the famin , without taking of ony maner of money therefore, under the paine forefaide* & to be accufed as oppreflbures of our Soveraine Lordis lieges : And that na maner of man take upon hande, for to wrong the Crowne of weicht , or ony uther Gold ot weicht , throw pretence of this acl , under the paine to be accufed and puniflied , as falfers of the Kingis Grace money , conforme to the commoun Law * and ftatutes of the Realme. 100. TheTroveft , Bailiies, andCouncell , fuld make the prices of JVine , Salt andTimmer. ALS WA, toutching the exorbitant dearth and prices of Wine, fait and Timmer : It is ftatute and or- dained, that the Proved:, Bailiies, and Counceii of Burrowes, quhair ony Schippes or ftrailgers ar^ rivis, or fall happen to arrive in times dimming, laden with Wine, Sake, or Timmer, conveene with the Merchandes that awe die faidis Wine , Salt , anci Timmer , & bye , or fet ane price upon the famin reafonably, that na maner of man , freeman , or un-freeman , bye ony oi the faidis Wines , Salt , or Timmer , bot fra the . faidis Proved and Bailiies , or awners thereof, and the prices being maid be them, as faid is, na man to bye , quhill the Kings Grace be firft ferved : And his Grace and ornciares , being contented for-fa-meikle, as will pleafe them to take to our Soverain Lordis ufe alianerlie , that Noble-men ot the Realme , fik as Prelates, Barronnes , and uthers Gentle-men of the famin , be ferved of the famin prices : And thereafter all and fin- drie our Soveraine Lordis lieges be ferved upon the faidis prices : And gif ony man cummis incontrair hereof, or fore-ftallis the faidis Wines , Sake , or Timmer, the famin to bee efclveitted to the Kingis Grace : And gif the Proved , Bailiies , and Counceii , beis foundin negligent in the exercing of their Offices, they to tine the famin, and not to bruik Office nor honour, for the fpace of three zeires thereafter. And gif ony freeman, or uther Scottis-ma;i , dwelland within this Realme , bringis hame ony Wines , Sake, or Timmer , upon their awin adventure , that the Proved and Bailiies of Burrowes, attheentrie of the Schippes in the buikeS of the Tow ne , fee and confidder their merchand Billes , an i how the faidis Wines , Sake , and Timmer was toft and faulde : and fik-like confidder their un-coades and iiauchte , and thereafter fet ane competent price, how the famin may be faulde, and as they ordaine , that the famin be fauld of the famin price , andna higher : And that the Proved and Bailiies , do diligence to inquire and get wit in dew time of the zeir , how Wine, Salt, and Timmer is fauld and coft in uther Cuntries, that they may make the prices the better* erleirand to the gudnefle of the duffe. 1 01. Vifitonres of Hq/pitalles. ITEM, Anentis the Hofpitalles : It is devifed , ftatute , and ordained , that the acies" of Parliament maid thereupon of before , be our Soveraine Lordis maift Noble Progcnitoures , bee put to execution iri all poyntes , and that certaine vifitoures be maid , to the effefte that they may pafie and confidder the foun- X i datiort