Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/275

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TENTH PARLIAMENT. X. of 'December. i 5 %$. 153 perfonesto compeir, fiiper inquirendis, Or to enter their perfones in ward, or to do onie dcede , under thepaines of treaion or rebellion : And in-cafe of failzie, to denunce without calling, or cognition tane of be- fore. NotwithftandingthefubfcnptionofhisHienes, oronytwa, or maa of his Councell : Except the fame letters be fnecially fubferibed be the chiei e officiates of the Eftaite , at the leaft be four of them : quhair- of the Chanceller, Yhefaurer, orSecretarfallbealwayesane, and fall perfkely underftand , andanfwer, that fik letters aradvifedly directed, for matters being in themfelves treafon in deede: or utherwayes of higheft importance, concerning his Hienes perfon , and proper Eftaite, that may fufler na delay. And that the Secretar admonilh all his deputes and writers to the fignet , that nane of them take upon hand to write, orputinformeonymanerofSignatouror Letter, to be paft his MajefTies hand, that conteinis novaltie or informalitie , contrair the lovable and accuftomed ftile and forme , notwithftanding the defire ofony partie , under the paine of deprivation. And that everie writer fubferibe his name on the back of the fignatour, or letter, as allowed be him , That it is written according to the ordinar ftile and forme: And that na fignatour , or letter paile unallowed orfubferibed be the writer, as faid is, as they will anfwer there- upon , at their higheft charge and perrell. 14. Fijh flaine on ather fide of the water of Forth , may be brocht to ony free Burgh. FORSAMEIKLE As in the A<ft of Parliament , lately maid anent the packing , and peeling of Herring and quhit-fifh , and uther fiih , flaine on ather fide of the waters of Forth: It is expreflie pro- vided, that all the faidis fillies, fall be brocht to the Portes of Leith , orG?rnzi/allaneiiie: 1 here to be graithed and handled , as in the faid aft at niair length is conteined : Quhilk fenfme hes bene very hurtfull and prejudicial to the remanent free Burrowes and Sea portes, on ather fide of the faid water of Forth. Therefore our faid Soveraine Lord, with advife of his three Eftaites, conveened in this prefent Parlia- ment, declaris, ftatutis and ordainis , that it fall be lefum to the remanent of the faidis free Burrowes, to have the faidis fimes brocht to tfk an ol them in time cumming, alfweill as ro the faids Portes of Lc ith and Carroll: Notwithftanding ony reftriclion maid their-anent, be die laid A<ite, or utherwayes of oefoir, difpenfand therewith for ever. And ordainis letters of publication to patie here-upon , in forme as efferris. 15-. Licences anent tr an/porting of forbidden guddes, nocht fubferibed be the Compt- roller, arofnatieavaile. FORSAMEIKLE As findrie perfones, under coullour of our Soveraine Lordis licences granted to them, hes tranfported , and daylie tranfportis foorth oi this Real me, wooll, tallon, victual, and fik uther forbidden guddes , to the great hurt and prejudice of his Hienefie cu Homes, and the commoun-weill of this Realme. For efchewing of the quhilk in time cumming, on; laid Soveraine Lord, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , decernis , ftatutis , and ordainis , that all fik licences, for trahfporting of the faides forbidden guddes granted or to be granted be his Majeftie , be fubferived be his Hienes Compt- rollers , prefent and to cum. And utherwayes to be invalide and to have na force nor efFecl:. And ordainis letters to be directed to the effeel; forefaid. 16. ^Addition to the Act maide anent Sornares and thieves ofClannes. IT Is ftatute and ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, be advife of his three Eftaites in Parliament, that in cafe ony of his Hienes gude fubjectes, that received onic harme or skaith , throw ftowth or maifterfull reiffe of their guddes, be ony ot the notorious thieves, broken men, or Sornares of the clannes of thieves in times cumming , fall happen nocht to be of power ofthemfelvcs to ftay and arreift the bodies and guddes of the perfones that hes orFendedagainftthem, or utherwayes of the fame Clan , their fervands dependares and partakers being apprehended he them : That then the compleener fail defire the Schireffe , Stewart , Baillie , or their deputes , or Pro veil and Baillies , within Burgh , or onie uther perfon, being of power, that happenis to be prefent lor the time. To concur and affift to the fame com- pleener, in making oi the famin ftay and arres if ment, conforme to the Acle of Parliament maid at Edin- burgh the xxiv. day of October, Ane thoufand, five hundred*, auchtie ane zeires, Againffc notorious thieves and Sornares of clannes , as they will anfwer to his Hienes upon their obedience , and under the paine to bee reputed, and efteemed partakers with the faidis thieves, in evildeedes: Quhairin gif they failzie, his Hienes with advife ol his faidis Eftaites , declaris that the faid compleener , being his Hienefie obedient fubjeel:, fall have fik-like aclion criminally, or civilie, agamft the faidis Schireffes, Stewarts, and Baillies , Proveit and Baillies within Burgh , or uthers perfones of power happening to be prefent for the time, Andfailzeing readilie to concur and affift, as faid is, as againft the principal thief or rievar. And further declaris, ftatutis, and ordainis, that it fall be lefum to his Hienes trew and obed, ; entfubje6tes, having their guddes ftollen and reft be the faidis notorious thieves , broken men , or Jbrnares of Clannes , to apprehend , take , and intromet with the guddes and perfones of the offenders , or onie uthers of thefamin Clan , their fervandes, defenders, or partakers, with quhome the thieves, and trew mennis guddes ftollen or reft be them, were receipt: and to reteene the famin, as their awin proper guddes, O o ay