Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/276

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M4 KING JAMES THE S E X T ay and quhill the offenders , or uthers of die faid Clan,cum to compt and reckoning, and make fuffieient fure- tie for redrefs of the trew mens skaith : Conforme to the faid Acl of Parliament , and affoilzies them fra all danger of fpoilzie , or violent proflittes, buttonely to be anfwerable for the principal guddes , quhen they fail have reckoning, compt, and dew redrefle of their avvin guddes , with their coaftes and skaithes. 17. Revocation of the Kingis proper tie. OUR SOV.ERAINE LORDE, Having at findrie time heretofore , commanded ordour to "be taken with the Eftaite of his Houfe and toward his propertie, quhair-upon the fame fnld befufteined: And finding nathing effectual done thereanent, aszit. Bot in default of the fame, diverfe abufes entered, and ftill continuand in the fame houfe , and great diminution of his Hienes rentes , his Majefties debtes, and his avvin houfe alwayes increafing. FOR remeid quhairof , his Majeitie be advife of the Lordes , and of his Eftaites alfwa in Parliament, lies maid, and caufed publifh diverfe revocationes , quhilkis notvvith- ftanding, lies tane fmall effecl to his Hienes commoditie : Becaufe die thinges appoynted to be recovered, and brochtagaine to the fame revocationes, were alwayes newly impetrat and purchafed of his Majeftie be inoportune and unreafonable fuites, quhairby his Hienes awin neceffitie audit firft to be provided for. THEREFORE his Hienes , zit as of before , with advife of his three Eftaites , conveened in this pre- fent Parliament , revokis , caffis , and annullis , all , takkes , penfiones , giftes , affigna- tiones , reverfiones and exceptiones quhat-llim-ever , maid of the rentes of his propertie annexed and per- teining to his Croun , in the dayes of his deareft Gud-fclur , King JAMES the Fifth , of worthie memoric. Or in ony time by-gane , preceeding the dait hereof, being of their avvin nature, or be cuftomeorLawesof this Realme revocable. And declaris the faidis inleitmentes , takkes, penfiones, giftes, affignationes, reverftbns and exceptions, to have bene, and to be null, and invalide for the crop and zeir of God, 15- 85-. zeires inftant, JVhit-Junday , and Cfrlartme-mes termes of the fame , and in time cumming: Notwith- ftanding, ony ratifications or confirmations theirof, be Parliament or utherwayes , and ordainis the faidis rentes , to be charged for , intiometted with , and in-brochc to his Hienefle proper ufe , be his Majefties Comptroller, and his deputes, to ins Hienes ufe. Attour his Majeftie avowis in the word of a Prince, & promifes inviolabiie to obferve this Aft , and to abfteine from all new difpofitions , of ony of the faidis rentes revoked, as faid is, quhill his awin neceffities be firft of all dewlie and fufficiently provided for. As alfwa to allow of that gude forme in his houfe , quhilkis the faidis Lordes of his fecreit Councel , and Offi- ciares of his Eftaite , appoynted in this prefent Parliament , fall appoynt to beginne the firft day of Januar nixt-to-cum. Difchargeing his Hienes Comptroller, of all anivv ering or admitting of ony precepts orfees, penfiones or wages , to ony perfons, of the termes forefaid, or in ony time cumming: quhill it be newlie directed , and fpecially appoynted be his Hienefle, with advife of the faidis Lordes of his Pnvie Coun- ceil, and Officiares of his Eftaite , fittand togidder in that number. Quhilk be diis prefent Parliament ar appoynted, his Hienes awin neceflitie being firft confiddered, quhat penfiones, fees and wages , fall be allowed and payed in the Office of Comptrollene , ofthezeirof God forefaid, a/ id in time cumming. To the effecl it may be feene , that the thingis commanded to be aaiwered, , ar reafonable and profitable to be done, without his Majefties hurt and inconvenient, his awin neceiline being alwayes firft confiddered and provided for , as faid is : And confideration had alfo of the payment of his by-gane debtes , fa far as is poffible: Certifieing the faid Comptroller , gif he do in the contrair , he fall have na allowance of his doing : notwith- ftanding ony warrand paft before the dait of thir prelents. 18. The narrefi Agnat Juld be cur at our to Fuoles, Idiot es, and Furious per fines : OUR Soveraine Lord, be advife of this prefent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis, that the narrefi and kinfmen of natural Fooles , Idiotes, and furious perfones fall be ferved , received, and preierred , according to the difpofition of the commoun Law , to their tutorie , and curatorie. 19. ^Addition to the At~i anent double pqy tiding. FORSAMEIKLE, As there was ane Acl: maid in the laft Parliament , balden at Edinburgh , in the Moneth of Auguft , ane thoufand, five hundreth, fourfcoir fourc zeires, anent decreits given upon double poyndings, and hornings. the ane part being lauchfullie fummond ; compeiris not in that initant , and there- after defires to be heard be way of reduction , They fall not be heard to retreite and reduce the faid decreit, nor zitfallbereftoredagainetothefamin: neither zit have onie aclion for the by-run promtesintxoinetted with be the obteiner of the decreet : As at mair length is conteined in the faid Act. Quhilk acl is not only extend- ed to all fik queftions as may occurre hereafter , but alfwa in all fik matters of the like fort by-gane intended , or to be intended, depending and undecided before the Lordes of Seffion, and uthers judges ordinar , to ane great hurt and prejudice of ane great number of our Soverains fubjecles , fecluding them fra their acliones of reductions of decreetes of double poyndings and hominges , and from the profites refultand thereupon , alreadie intended and depending lang before the making of the faid acl , quha of law and equitie , audit not to be aftricled to obferve ony ftatutes or ordinances , before the making of the famin: feeing Lawes fuld be extended adfutura , and not ad prater it a. Therefore our Soveraine Lord.