Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/335

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F TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Junij. i 59 z. 5 i 3 miflioners abone fpecified , take inquifition be inqueft , at the head Courtes zeirlie , of the names and takens of them; And make denuntiation of them , to the nixtordinar Judges and Parochinnes, in the four halfes about : As alfo to our Soveraine Lord . and his fecreit Councell, within 40. dayes after the faids head courts, under the paine forefaid. r 1 48 . Quha arfore-flallers andregraters : how they fall be accufed and paine thereof. ORSAMEIKLE As findry Adts of Parliament , hes bene maid for punifhment of fore-ftallers and regraters, being very pernitious members in the com moun weill : zit becaufe it hes not bene exprelled quhat was foreftalling and regrating : Therefore our Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Eftaites , in this prefent Parliament ; declaris, ftatutis and ordainis , that quha ever buy, orcaufebuy, onie Merchandife, vidtuall , or uther thing cumming be Lande or Water , toward onie faire or mercat , in Burgh or in Land- wart, tobefauldinthefame, from ony partes bezond Sea, or within the Realme : Or makis onie con- tract, orpromifes, for the having and buying of the fame, or onie part thereof, before rhe faidis Merchan- dife, vi&ualles, or uther thinges fall be in die faire or Mercat-place, in Burgh, portorraide, reddie to be fauld : or fall make onie motion be word , writ , or menage , for raifing of the prices , or dearer felling of onie of die thinges abone mentioned : Or elfe diflwade or moove onie perfon cumming to the faire , Mercat or Town, to bring ony of the things abone mentioned, to the Mercat, fair or Town, fall be efteemed and judged ane foreitaller : Andquha-evergettisinhispofTeffion, in ony Fair or Mercat , oniecorne, vicluall, flefh, fifh, or uther vivers , that fall be broucht to be fauld, and fellis the fame againe , in onie Faire or Mercat, halden in the fame place, or onie uther Faire or Mercat , within four miles thereof : Orquhaget- tis in his hand by buying , contract or promifes , the growand corne on the field , fall be repute a regratour. And becaufe there hes fa little effect followed in the execution of the faid Act., be the Magiftrats within Burrowes, to quhom the execution thereof was committed : Therefore it fall be lauchfull in time cum- ming, to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Thefaurer or Advocate , to call and perfew all perfones fofpeci and delated of foreftalling and regrating; in-cafe they fall happen to prevene, be apprehending, in- tending and executing firft, alfweill as the faidis Magi Urates in Burrowes; And it fall not be leafum to the Ma- giftrates within Burgh , to replege onie perfones challenged or perfewed be the Thefaurer or Advocate, be- fore his Hienes Juftice , or his deputes , at Juilice aires , or particular diettes. And albeit there be nafpe- ciall dittay , bot that the foreftaller and Regratour , be onlie accufed of commoun foreftalling or regrating, fa repute and halden: zit the libell in that generalitie , fall ftand relevant , and the perfones accufed , to be iputtotheknawledgeof aneaflife : Andgifdiey cum in will, or be convict be ane aflife, for commoun foreftalling and regrating of Mercattes : They fall incunre for the firft fault , the paine and un-law of four- tie pundes : And fall finde fovertie to abfteine in time cumming , under the paine of ane hundreth markes : And gifhe fall againe in the fecund fault, the principall , and his fovertie , toin-cur and pay the faid fumme of ane hundreth markes : And for the thrid fault , the offender being convict or cum in will, to tine and fore- fault all liis moveable guddes , tobein-brochtto OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe, as efcheit; And diat Juftice courts or aires , for the effecT: forefaid , be halden everie zeir twife. I x 49- Againft carriers of woott, nolt and Jheepe forth of the Realme. T IS Statute and ordained, thatnawooll, meepenornolt,betranfportedin£«£/W, under the paine ■ ofefcheitting, not onelie of the faidewooll, fcheepe, and nolt, quhilk fallbefundpaiTandto^/W: Bot alfwa of the haill moveabill guddes , of the aftuall tranfporters , and als the Merchandes cauffers & prin* cipall doers of the faid tranfporting , Albeit fum laitelie they caufe the fame bee done be puir folkes , the ane halfe of die faidis efcheittes to apperteine to the apprehender of the faids guddes and woll , in-cafe he may fuf- ficiendie verifie and try the fame , and die uther halfe to our Soveraine Lord, and to be intrometted with be the .wairdane keiper, SchirefFe, Stewart, orBaillie, quha fall be comptable to hisMajeftie for the fame; Andfurder, the faidis offenders , fall be puniflied in their perfones , be warding, for the fpace of fex Mo- nedis , And utherwayes at his Hienefle pleafure ; Like as our faid Soveraine Lord , lies ftatute & ordained, that it'fall be leafum to ony SchirefFe, Wairdane, keeper, oronyutherBarronneorOfficiar, havand the Thefaurers power and direction ; To ftaie and arreift , take and apprehend the faids perfones and guddes , & to prefent them before the Wardane, Schireffe, Steward, Baillie or keeper ; or bring them to Edinburgh , to be prefented to the Juftice , or his deputes : and to underlie the Law , for the faid oftenfe. Quhilk being tryed, die offenders fall tine their haill moveable guddes , to be divided as faid is: and als fall be pumihed m their perfones , as is abone written , at the Kingis pleafure , to the terrour of uthers ; And thejfamin penal- ities, to be extended againftquhat-fum-ever perfones within this Realme, that fall fell ony Nolt &Scheepe, to quhat-fum-ever Engli/h-mzn. or uther , ather abydand within the boundes of England , or that tramcquis within this Realme ; 'it being tryed that the perfon byar of the fame guddes , fellis or tranfporns the lame in England : And our Soveraine Lord , with advife of the faidis Eftaites , annullis all licences granted or to be granted hereof; And ordainis, that the penalitie of this Adt, fall ftrike againft the tranfgrefloures there- I of: NotwUhftanding the faid licences purchased or to be purchafled . Xx 3 *?°- 2k"