Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/336

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3*4 K,1NG JAMES THE SEXT ico. % Dc forcers' or tronblers ofojfciars , in execution of letters , for ef milt is and tynis all their movables. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, And his Eftaites , conveened in this prefent Parliament ; For remeid of the daily hurts and injuries, received be officiates of amies , or Schireffes in that part, exe-

utand letters or preempts inourSoveraineLordis name and authoritie; Statutisandordainis, thatin-caie

aneoiliciar of armes, crSchireiTeinthat part, oruther perfon quhat-fum-ever, the time of the execution of ony fummoundes , letters or precepts , direct be his Hie nefie, oruther judges within this Realme ; Or in putting of decreetes to dew execution, be deforced in dooing of the fame , or be molefted , invaded or perfewed, to the effufion of their bloud, be the perfon or perfons , quhom they fall be vertew thereof fum- mound or charge , Or ony uthers of their caufing and command , the detorcers and perfewers of the offi- ciates, and utheris forefaidis , fall forefault , amitt and tine all and quhat-fum-ever their guddes and geare moveable: and the anehalfe thereof, fall apperteine to our Soveraine Lord, asefcheitte: and the uther halfe to the partie , at quhais inftance the faidis fummoundes, letters and precepts ar direct and purchafed; quhilk execution , Our faid Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites forelaidis, decernis and declaris to be lauch.- full and ordourlie execute ; Nctwithftanding the faid deforcement, and invafion of the faidis Officia res, and utheris abone written , to be committed in maner forefaid : The deforcement being firft verified and provin. i c i . Concerning the relevancie of lib elks , in caufes criminall. TEM, It is flatute and ordained , feeing thatdiverfe exceptiones and objectiones rifis upon criminall __ libelles, and parties are fruftrat of Juftice, be alleged irrelevancie thereot : That in time cumming, all cri- minall libelles, fallconteine that the perfones compleinedon, ar airt and pairc of the crimes libelled; Quhilk fail be relevant to accufc them thereof ; Swa that na exception or objection, take awaie that part o£ the libell , in time cumming.

  • 5

It is not leafum to nn-freemen ; Bot to Bnrgejfes to excerce the trajfcqne of tjfylerehandife. ITEM, Er- r ameik!e as by diveife Lawes and Acts of Parliament it is flatute and ordained that i~;a perfon within this Realme, fuld exerce the trafficque of Merchandice, bot the Burgeffes of Free- Burro wes ; Quhilkis have not bene, nor zit ar obferved , be realon that there is na penal- tie irrogat to the perfones , contraveeners thereof ; Therefore our Soveraine Lord, and haiil Eftaites of this prefent Parliament; Confinnis , ratifies and apprievis the faidis Adtes , conftimtiones , and everie ane of them , with this addition ; That quha-fo-ever exercifis the faid trafficque of Merchandiie, not being free Burgefies : Their haill guddes and geare, fallbecum in efcheicre ; 1 heanehalietoour So- veraine Lord , and the uther halte to the Burgh , quhais Commilfioner or CoIJeftour fall firft apprehend the fame. And to the effect that the faidis efcheittes may be up-lifted; his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis, gives and grauntis lull power and authoritie , to everie ane of the faidis free-Burrowes , be themfelves or their comniiffioner or collectour , quhom they fall have power to depute in that behalfe ; To fearch and feeke the the guddes and geare of the faidis un-freemen trafficquers , to intromet there-with as efcheit : and to deliver ane half thereof, to his Hienes Thefaurer, and the uther halfe to the Burgh, quhairof he fall be appoynted CommiirionerorColleclour, quhiddentbe within this Realme, or in ony uther part, quhair the fame may be challenged : And to arreift the faidis guddes , call, follow and perfew therefore, before un-fufpectea Baillies or deputes , quhom they fall have power to creat to that effect : and ordainis the ane halfe of the faid efcheit , to be intrometted-with, be the faid Commilfioner or Colleclour, as faid is, to be applyed to the com- moun weill of the faid Burgh , quha fall firft apprehend the faidis efcheitte guddes : Of thequhilk halfeof the faidis efcheit guddes , there fall be zeirlie comptmaid, as is appoynted of the commoun gudde of the Burgh: Providing alwayes that this prefent Act be not prejudiciall to Noble men , Barronnes, or uther Landed-men; to bring, or caufe bring , or have Merchandiie to their awin particular ufe and behoove; fwa that they fell not the fame , or make Merchandife thereof againe , to our Soveraine Lordis lieges. Quherein in-cafe the faid Noble-men , Barronnes, and utheris abone written , be fund or apprehended culpable , they fall be reputed , halden , and efteemed , as un-free-men trafficquers : And it fall be leafum to the faidis free-Burrowes, or their Commilfioner and Colleclour forefaid, to intrometwith dieir haill guddes and geare , as efcheitt ; and difpone upon the fame , as widi the faidis un-freemens guddes , in maner a one written. i c 3 . Anent the taxation of Burr owes : Watching , Mid warding. ITEM, Seeing the taxation and ftentes upon the Realme is multiplied, quhere-with the Burrowes are verie greadie burdened : 1 herefore it is flatute and ordained , that all maner of perfones, inhabttantes oi Burrowes , exerceand onie maner of trafficque , Merchandife , or having change within the fame , lall beare their part of all taxes, ftentes, and taxationes, watching, and warding , in all duties and lervices pcrteining