Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/352

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KING JAMES T H E S E XT with advife and confent of his forefaidis Eftaites , ratifies and confirmis be thit prefentes , and for his Hienefie and his Succeflbures , willis and grantis , that the famin , Hand in full force , fteed and effect, in all time hereafter: Andordainisthefaidnewinfeftment, given to the faid John, Lord Thirlefane , hisfpoufe, and their aire's forefaidis, to be infert in the buikes of Parliament, gifneedebeis. 15)0. Aft of the new gift of Dumfermeline , with the CMonkes prtiones , to the Queenes Majeftie. ITEM, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With confent of his faidis Eftaites , havand conficleration that hisHienefie beand in Vpjk , in Norway, the twentieibure day of Nov ember , thezeareofGod,ane dioufand, five hundreth , fourfcore nine zeares , for diverfe occafiones mooving him , gave and difponed to his deareft Spoufe , ANNA Queene of Scottes s allandhailltlieLord-lhipandBatroniesof Tiumferine- line, with all Lands , Tounes, Manour-places, milnes, multures thereof, ly and on the North -fide of the water of Forth ; to be bruiked and poffeiied be her , for all the dayes of her life-time , as at mair length is conteined , in the faid gift , of the dait forefaid : And now willing that his faid deareft Spoufe , fall bruik & joyis the faid sift , for all the dayes of her life-time , according to the tenour thereof, and to the promife maid be him, and be his faidis Eftaites, to his deareft Brother CHRISTIANUS the Fourt of that name, King oi'Denmarke : THEREFORE Our Soveraine Lord , with ronfent forefaid , confirmis , ratifies and apprievis the faid gift, chartour, and feafing following there-upon; and all and fmdrie headesand arti- cles conteined therein : And promifes faithfullie to obferve , keepe and fullfill , and caufe the famin to be keeped , obferved and fulfilled. Maireover , for the caufes forefaidis , OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with confent of the faidis Eftaites, gives and difponis of new , to his faid deareft Spoufe ; All and haill the faid Lordfhip of 1)tm~ fermeline, lyandasfaidis : With all Lands , Barronnies, places, houfes, bigginges, Caftles , toures, Fortalices , manour-places , zairdes , orchardes , milnes , wooddes , fifchinges , Kirkes , teindes great andfmall/fruites, rentes, emolumentes perteining thereto , with power and jurifdiftion of Regalitie of the famin, for all the zeires and terme of her life-time ; And ly ke- wife all Monkes portiones , perteining to the faid Abbacie , to be bruiked be her , inauring the faid time : And to be peaceablie intrometued with be her facloures and Chalmerlaines , in her name , als freelie as our Soveraine Lord may bruike and pofieffe the fame , be reafon of the annexation forefaid : Or as ony Abbot or Commenda&ar lies bruiked or pofiefied the fame , in ony time by-gane : And to that effect , our Soveraine Lord , with confent forefaid, callis, retreatis, refcindis , and annullis all and findrie giftes and difpofitiones of Monkes portiones , perteining to the faid Ab- bacie , maid and given be his Hienefie , to quhat-fumever perfon or perfones , for quhat-fumever caufe or oe- cafion , before the daye and dait of this prefent act of conftitution. 191. Afte concerning the Queenes CMajefties richt to the thrid ^Dumfermeline , and compenfation , for-fameikle as prefent ly wants thereof. ORSAMEIKLE As immediatly after the Manage contracted and folemnized betuixt the King and Queenes Majeftie , our Soveraines Lord and Ladie : His Hienefie , for the fingular love and affecti- on borne toward her ; gave , granted , and confirmed to her , in forme of morning gift , all and haill , the Lordfhippe oi'Dum fermeline : with all Barronnies , Landes , principall Manfion , houfes , zairdes , pa- ftoures, milnes, multures, milne-landes, teindes, alfweill great as fmall, wooddes, fchawes, coales, coale-heuches , fifchinges, and all utheris pertinentes thereof, quhat-fumever, alfweill under the earth, as abone , lyand on the North part of the water of Forth -. Quhilkis Landes , Barronnies , with all abone fpecified, his Hienefie of before had united , annexed and incorporated , in an e haill and free Lord-ihippe , for payment of anefilverpennie , attheieafkoiPFhit-funday, in the name of Blenob-ferme : Like as at mair length is conteined in the faid gift , daited at Dpfb , in Norway, diexxiv.dayof November, the zeir ofGod, 1 589. zeires : And thereafter her Majeftie was infeft and gat pofiefiion, and faffing of the faid Lordfhip, upon the daye of May, the zeir of God, 1 590. zeires : Quhiikgift, infettment , and haill contract of Mariage, is ratified, apprieved, and promifed to be accompliihed be his Hienefie , and his Eftaites ; As his confirmation , under his great feale , and under the feales and fubfcriptiones of his faidis Eftaites, daited and delivered to the hmbaffadoures of T)eiimarke , upon the xvij. day of the faid Moneth olMaij, the zeir of God forefaid beares. As alfw a in the Parliament, halden at Edinburgh , upon the fifth day of Junij, the zeir of God, i^i. zeires, our faid Soveraine, with advife and confent of his Eftaites in Parliament , ratified and apprieved the faid contracl: of Mariage , morning gift , and als the charter , pre- cept, and inftrurnent of failing given be his Hienefie, to the Queene his deareft Spoufe , according to the faid contracl: , Of the Palice of Linlithcow , with the Lord-fchippe and Landes of the fame , zairdes , paftures, loches , fifchinges , milnes , multures, coales , coal-heuches , rentes , fermes , viclualles, cuftoumes , with advocation and donation of Benefices , tennentes , tennendries , fervice of frie tennentes annexed and connexed Landis , partes, pendickles and pertinentes thereof , quhat-fumever lyand within the SchirefFe-dome of 'Linlithcow : and als the Earle-dome of Fife, with the Paliace and Caftle oiFalk-land, Lord-fhip, Landes, wooddes, fchawes, paftures, rentes, fermes, dewties, cuftoumes, milnes, mul- tures;