Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/353

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tures; with advocation and donation of Benefices, tennentes, tennendries, and fervice of free*tennentes , annexed and connexed landes , partes, pendickles, and pertinences qimat-fumever, alfweiil not named as named ; lyand within the SchirefTe-dome oiFife , and hail! contentes thereof, according to the faid Char- tour, ofthedait, at Haly-rude-hotife , the Elleventh day of Mai/, the zeir of God, ane thoufand , five hundreth, fourfcore ten zeires. Andfurder, decernand and declarand , that the faid contract of Mariage, haill claufes and contentes thereof, die faid Morning gift , the faid Lord-fhippe of T)umfermelhie renewed , as faid is , abone fpecified : The Chartoures , precepts , and inftrumentes of faifing of the faid Earledome , Lord-fhippe, and utheris abone fpecified : To have bene maid and done , to the honour, weill and profite of his Majeftie, and his Hienefie Crown, and to the weill and commoditie of the haill Realme: Ana there- fore decernand and ordainand , the fame to ftand effesftuall , and to be inviolablie and faithfullie obferved , keeped and fulfilled , in all poyntes , and in all time cumrning : And that the faid decreete and fentence of Parliament, fuld be extracted , under the great feale , and feales of the haill Nobilitie , Barronnes , Clergie, and Commiifioners of Burro wes, Lordesot Articles of the faid Parliament, gif need were, quhair-throvv his Hienefie, and his Eftaites , reprefenting the haiiibodie of this Realme, ar oblifhed to the accomplifh- ment and fulfilling of the faid contract , Morning gift , infettmentes and titles , maid to O U R faid SOVE- RAINE LADIE, in maner before fpecified. Neverthelefie becaufe throw occafion of findrie unprofitable , maid of findrie partes , of die fruites and rentes of the faide Lord-fhippe oiT)umfermelinc , panlie before , and partlie after the faid Morn- ing gift; the full rentes of the faid Lord-fhippe, according as it is valued, could nocht be gotten , and tim- ouflie brocht in to her Majefties proper ufe : OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDE, hes bene diverfe times mooved be his deareft Brother , coufing, andallia, theKiagoil^eHptark , and his EmbaiTadoures , in his name, fentin this Realme ; That the faid Morning gift might be maid gude, to the Queenes Hie- nefie; and ilieentred in reall pofleflion thereof, to her awin proper ufe , Qubairanent treatie being had, betuixt his Majeftie , and certaine of his Councell in his name, and the Embaffadoures of his faid deareft Brother coufing , and allia the King of Denmarke ; Refolution is taken, that her Majeftie, and her Chamb- merlane in her name , fall have full & reall pofleilion of the faid Lordihippe oi ( Dumfermcline, and fa monie of the rents and fruites thereof, asar prefentlie free and unviriat : And Jail have alfwa compenfation out of the rentes and properties of the Crown , be infeftment of fpeciall landes and poflefllones , as will extend in certaine and free rent , all chairges deduced , to the fumme of fex thoufand punds money of this Realme , zeirlie to be intrometted with and uptaken be her Hienes awin Chambmerlane in her name , & to hir behoove and proper ufe , quhill fik pairtes of the rents of c Dumfermcluie , as are now pofiefled be fum in lyfe-rentes , may accrefle be their deceas; and die pretended titles now ftandand upon the rents and fruites of the faid Lord- fhip oiDumfermeline , may be annulled and taken away be ordour of Law and Juftice. And the fame rentes recovered and maid peaceablie to be intrometted-with, be her Hienes & her Chambmerlane, to her proper ufe and behoove , quhilk God willing is to be performed , within the fpace of ane zeire and ane halfe , quhiik will bee maift acceptable unto her Majeftie , and aye as onie pairt of the rent oi'Dumfermeline now vitiat fall be recovered , and her Hienes in peaceable pofleffion diereof , als meikie of the faide compenfation out of the propertie fall be relieved and returne , to be received and intrometted-with bee his Hienes Comptroller, to his Majefties awin ufe. Mair-over our faid Soveraine Lord , confidering that the haill Lord-fhippe oi c Dumfermeline , alfweill lan- des as teindes , dirid as twa part , is conferred to our faid Soveraine Ladie, his deareft Spoufe , in her Mor- ning gift , as faid is : And that it is alreadie found be his Majeftie, be ane act maid , with advife of the Lordes, and utheris of his privie Councell , Seffion and Checker , authorized , allowed and approoved fenfine be his Hienefie Eftaites in Parliament : That the thriddes of Benefices, and fi'.per-flus thereof, being deftinat for fupport of the publick affaires , and fuftentation of the Minifterie , micht be difponed , given , or employ- ed na utherwayes , bot to the faid ufe and effeft , for the quhilk they were appoynted at the beginning •. And fik-like, thatnapenfiones, tackes, or lyfe-rentes of the fodjufer-flus , micht, or may be difponed in time cumrning, for onie langer fpace, nor the fpace of ane zeir : And that after the making of the zeirlie affig- | nationes of the Minifters ftipendes , and fufheient provifion for fuftcining of his Majefties houfc zeirlie : De- j cernand and declarand , all and quhat-fumever penfiones , lyfe-rents, and tackes, pur chafed, or to be purchased, quhairby the thriddes fitper -flits thereof , Or the firft and beft rentalles thereof, hes bene I uiminifhed or altered , fen die firft affamption of the faidis thriddes , granted aither be O U R faid SOVE- RAINE LORDIS deareft Mother, or be his Hienefie felfe, to quhat-fum-everperfon or perfones, upon wrang report or importune fuite , without cognition preceeding of the fuftentation of the Minifterie, and ! fufneient provifion for fufteining of his Majefties Houfe , to have bene fra the beginning , and to bee in all time i cumrning of nane availe , force nor effect : Notwithstanding quhat-fum-ever ratificationes or confirma- tiones following there-upon : And like as the generall Collectour , be himfelfe, his Chambmerlaines, & un- der-receivers in his name , ar ordained to aske , crave, receive, intromette, and up-take all and haill the diriddes of Benefices, within this Realme , unaffigned to the Minifterie, quhairthe firft and beft rentalles of the fame ar altered or diminilhed , fen the firft aflumption of the faidis thriddes , of the croppe and zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , fourfcore feven zeires : And fiklike zeirlie in time cumrning; accor- ding to the rentalles maid compt of, in the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundreth , fourfcore four zeires, and laft thereof : And gif the faidis thriddes be diminilhed , or hurt ony wayes , be the faidis laft rentalles, and