Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/620

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f-O Hoe firft Parliament of Act 42. or moe of this Kingdom; and after their deceafc, in the perfons of their Succcflbrs, (it being al» wayes Declared hereby, that not any of them fhall be reprefented but by one perfon allanerlyj/ or any other who fhall lift and enter themfelves therein, betwixt and the . day of at the firft modern Societies and Companies for making of Linnen-cloath, Worftead Stockings, Sear- ctcs Baifes Sayes, Cottons, Sempeternums, Caftilians, Perpetuanaes, and all all other Woollen Stuffs and Cloath; and for their incouragement, and the good of His Kighnefs Kingdom; His Majesty, with advice and confent iorefaid,Prohibits and Difcharges any of YiisMajeftie jLieges,to carry and tranf. port into Spain, Tortugal, Rifcay, Ruffia, France; or any place beyond Seas, any Linnen-Cloath, Baifes, Sayes, Cottons, Sempitcrnums , Caftilians, Perpetuanaes , or any other Woollen Stuffs or Cloaths, except they be free, and of one of the Societies aforefaid. And it is hereby Declared, that all Materials imported for the ufe of the faids Manufactories, and that allthe faids Stuffs or Cloaths, exported by the faid Company, iball be free of all Cuftoms, Excife, or any other Imposition what- foever, for the fpace of nineteen years after the day of all other Merchants not free in one or other of the faids Companies, paying the ufuall Cuftoms, Excife, or any other Impo* fitions, for any of the faids Commodities Exported by them. As alfo His Majejly, with advice forelaid, for the good aud incouragement ofthefe who mall enter themfelves in the faids Companies, Doth dflchatge the faids Companies r effective, where ever the fame fhall be erected, to receive any within the fame, except thefewho Hull contribute and bring in,tomake up a Stock to the faids Manu- iacturies, the ium of five hundred merks Scots, and doth grant liberty to the faids Members of the faids Societies r -effective, to chool'e and elect a certain number of their own Incorporarion and So- ciety, to be a Council for making of Laws, for their better regulating and ordering of the faid Com- pany and Manufactury, and things belonging thereto; providing alwayes, that no perfon elected have lefs of Stock, in the faid Company or Society, nor one thouiand merks Scots money. And that this Pious, Charitable and profitable Defign, may be no longer fruftrate, nor poor Childten, Vagabonds or Idle perfons, continue to be blirdenlbme to their Countrey; It is Statute and Ordained, that there be in each Paroch, one or moe perfons provided and appointed, upon the charges and expences of the Heritors thereof, for inftructing of the poor Children, Vagabonds and other Idlers, to fine and mix Wool, fpin Worftead,and knit Stockins. And for the more fpeedy perfecting of the laud- able Defign and Policy fo much aimed at by His Majefties Royal Predeceffors, and now profecute by His Majejly iii His prudence, and condeicending care for the meancft of His Subjects, It is Sta- tute and Ordained, that within moneths after the diflolving of this preient Parliament, the Commiiiloners of Shires do conveen the whole Heritors within their refpectivc Shires, for electing of fome of the Heritors within each Paroch, to iee this prefent Act made effectual, and perfons ap- pointed for inftructing of the Children and others forelaid, to fine and mix Wool, knit Stocking, and fpin Worftead, and to fee a maintenance fetled in every paroch upon the faids Inftructers : And with- in the fpace of next after the faid firft meeting, that they convocat the perfons elected, within the feveral Paroches of the refpective Shires, to take an account of them and of their care and diligence in the matters aforefaid; and in cafe they fhall be found to have failed, that the faids Commiifioncrs now attending this prefent Parliament, do fee this prefent Act put in execution after the time aforefaid, in all the laid Paroches where the faids perfons elected fhall be found to have been deficient; and Ordains Magiftrates of Burghs to be carefuil that the fame be made effectual within their Burghs and Liberties. And in cafe all or any of the faids Commiifioners or Magiftrates afore- faid, do fail herein after the forefaid time, His Majefly, with advice and confent of the Eftatesa- forefaid , Doth commit the care hereof to the Lords of His Majesties Secret Council, that the Laws may be no longer fruftrate, nor the Kingdom burdened with Idle perfons, Vagabonds or poor j Children. And that Manufacturies may fee promoved, and for the encourageing of skilful Artizans to come from abroad, for training up the perfons forefaids, and working for the ufe of the faids Com- panies, It is hereby Declared, that all fuch as fhall be brought home and imploycd for the faids Com- panies, fhall be free to fet up and work in Burghs and Landwart where the Companies fhall think fit, without paying any thing whatfoever to any perfon or perfons, under whatfoeYer colour or pretext for their Freedom; and fhall be free of Taxes and publick Burdens or Exactions during their lifetime; notwithstanding of any Law, Statute, Privilcdge or Indulgence, made or granted in the eontrair by His Majesty or any of His Predeceffors, in favours of any Commitee, or Incorporation whatfoever, which are all hereby Called, llefcinded, and Declared void and null, in fo far as they may be con- ceived to derogate from the Priviledges and Immunities granted by this preient Act, in favours of Tradef-mcn, Natives or Srangers, belonging to, or brought home by, the faids Companies, for work- ing in the fudsManufactunes.And to the endthat the forefaids Stuffs andCloaths may be more ufeful at home, and have the better vent abroad, His Majesty, with advice forefaid, doth Prohibit and Difcharge any Weaver belonging to the faids Companies or private Tradf- men, to make any Searges. under the breadth ot an ell and a nail; Perpetuanaes and Sempitcrnums, under the breadth ol three quarters and a half, nor no Woolen cloath under an ell and a half bread; under the pain of twenty pounds, to be paid by the Weaver thereof, and the faids Stuffs and Cloaths, to be confiicat, the one bait"