Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/621

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A & 43- 44- *^ff CHARLES the" 1 1. 1661. 5 i half to His Majefties uie, and the otaer half to the ufe of the difcoverers thereof. Further, His Majesty, with advice forefaid, for encouragement ofthefe who Ihall enter into the faids Companies or Manufacluries, Doth grant to ilk one of the faids . Companies all the Priviledgcs and Immunities that are, or ihall be hereafter by the Kings Majesty indulged to the Companies of 'Societies of Filhers, as if the fame were herein expreft. Whereanent, His Majesty, with confent forefaid, hath difpenfed, and hereby difpenfes for ever. XLIIL Alt discharging the exportation of Linnen-yam, and regulating the breadth of Linnen-cloath, &c. Ur Sovereign Lord, conceiving it neceflary for the good and wel-being of His Majefties ,Sub= jedls, to project and indeavour the improvement or all the Native Commodities of this His Ma- fefites ancient Kingdom, and to make Laws and Ordinances, for eviting and preventing of all fraud and deceit ufed heretofore, in making Sale of the faids Commodities; And confidering that it would tend more to the advantage of His Majefties Subjects, and promoving of Manufaeturies, to refcrain the liberty that Merchants have taken to export Linnen-yarn, then liifrer them to carry the fame uijto other places and rvingdoms. Therefore His Majefiy, with advice and confent oi His Eilates |f Parliament, Difcharges any Merchant or others whatfoever, to tranfport out of this Kingdom any Einnen-yarii, under the pain of Confifcation of the fame, the one half to His Mijefties ufe, and the other half to the ufe of the Attacher and Apprehcnder oithe faid Yarn '; and Statutes and |prdains that all Yarn be fold by weight, and that no Reel be made ufe of within this Kingdom, under the rneafure and length of ten quarters, and that under the pain of Confifcation of any Yarn brought to the Mercat of a fborter Reel, die one half to His Majefties uie, and the other half to the ufe of the Delaters and Apprchenders of the faid Yarn. As alio, His Majesty confidering, that Linnen-cioath is one of the moll ufefuil Commodities ot the product of this Kingdom.* where- by much money in ancient times was brought home; And that now, to the great prejudice of the faid Commodity, the fame is brought in contempt abroad, and become hardly vendible, through the deceit* full Making, evil bleetchmg, and unequal Breadth thereof; Theretore His Majefiy,,, witiVadyice and confent of the faids Eilates, doth Diicharge and Prohibit all Weavers to make any Linnen-cloath, pf the price of ten fhillings Scots the ell, or above, under the breadth of an ell and two inches, after die firil day oi November next to come, under die pain to be imprifoned, for the fpace . of fourteen dayes, and 01 twenty pounds Scots to be paid for each fault, to Magiflrates of Burghs, Sheriffs of Shires, Lords ot [legalities, and Barrons within their refpedive bounds, and. of. the Confifcation ot the lame, to the ufe of the Attachers and Difcoverers thereof; and Statutes that, all Linnen-cloath be taken up by Selvage, 'and not by the Rigg, and foto be prefented to the Mercat; and dm ad Linnen-cloath be Bieetched without Lime, under the pain of twenty pounds for each fault, to be paid to the Magifi rates lorelaid, within their refpective bounds. Andlaflly, it is hereby Declared that all Flax and Linnen-yarn Imported, and all Linnen-cloath Exported, by fuch as fhal enter into the Companies and Manuia&uries for making of Linnen-cloath, lhall be free of all Cuflom, and all other Imposition, for the fpace of fifteen years after the faids Manufaeturies ihall be cna= blifhed in the perfons of luch as fhall enter themfelves in die faid Companies, betwixt and the firfl day of January next, conform to another Ordinance of Parliament for eilablilhing the faids Com- panies. XLI V. Act for encouraging of Shifting and Navigation. OUr Sovereign Lord, confidering that the Wealth, Safety and Strength of this Kingdom, are very much concerned, in the increafe of Shipping, and incouragement oi Trade and Navigation; both which are much decayed, if not wholly ruined, by the late unhappy Wars, and the laid ef- fects that have followed thereupon. And perceiving the prefent low condition of Trade, and the nail number of Jnips and Sea-men within this Kingdom, Hath thought expedient, out of His Prince- ly zeal for the publick good, with advice and confent of His Eilates of Parliament now prefently jconvcened, to Statute and Ordain, and bythefe prefents". Statutes and Ordains, that from and alter the "day of and thence forward, ho Goods nor Commodities whatfoever, that are of Forr'aign growth, Product "or Manufacture, which are to ' be . brought into Scotland, .or.., any of the -Hies thereto belonging, ihall be fbipped .pr brought from any other place or place*, Countrey «r Countries but only from thole, places where tlie "'faids Commodities do grow, are produced or made, or from the Ports where the faids Goods and Commodities commonly are, or uluallyhavc G i been