Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/858

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¥)e verborum Jignificatione. ane fault, tvefpas, or ony uthercaufe, asismanifcft itnhe Regifter, in the 7heunUv> aftion permed be theThefaurarcontrardie burgh of Perth, 1 6. Decern a/ 'courts. 1 5 41. The un-law in the ChalmerlanisOTeor court, is fittie fchillings : and twa fchillings to the Serjancles of the burgh or ilkeun-law. Theun- lawe before the luftice on the North pairt or the water of Forth, aucht Kye, ane colpindach to theCrowner, and twa fchillings totheClerkc: And in the South-fide of the water of Forth, as in Lcuthian, & betwixt the water of Tyne, and Forth, tenpundis, and ane colpindach, orthret- tie pennies to theCrowner, and twa fchillings to the Clerk. In theSchi- reffe-court, it fuld nocht exceed fextene fchillings, and fwa fchillings to the Clerke, or ane colpindach, or threttie pennies. In the Barrone court the famin lawes Sc un-lawes, fuld be keiped, quhilks are ufed in the Schi- reffe-court. In the court of them quha haldis of Barrones, and are called mi/itt r,their un-law is half of their fuperiours un-la w.The un-law of them <quha are called fubarmigeri, is ane Ko we, anezowe, or three fchillings, leg. Malc.Mak. c. 4. The un-law within Burgh fuld not exceed the fumme of aucht fchillings, leg. burg, c.foriffatliim 42. The un-law of them quha compeirisnochtin Parliament, being lauchiullie warned thereto, is ten pounds. la. 1. pri. Iulij p.4.c,8 2. Sep. 5.C.99. Quhilkis likc-wayes the - un-law of them quha compeiris nocht in generall Councelles, quhilk now is altered be the newe aft of Parliament, maid be OUR SOTE- R Al N E iORDE King Tames the Scxt. 29. Iulij. p. n.c. 34.Quhair it isftatute that everie Earle fall pay three hundred pounds, ilk Lorde twa hundreth poundes, Ilk Praelate ane hundreth poundes : And everie Burgh ane hundreth markes, incafe it fall happen onie of them to be abfent fra the Parliament. ANNEXATION, Ane Latine word, quhilk fignifies ane faft knitting and binding, asquhen ane thing is bund or knit with aneuther and baith as it were united togidder, and incorporate in ane. As quhen ony Lord-fhippes, landes, Cafteljes, Cuftomes, Offices, Fifchinges, or uther rents are annexed to the Croun, toremaine perpetually thsh-with quhilk is called incorporatio, quando bona aliqv.a, veiut terra, redigmtm in corpus fifci, cum eorum fcribitur Invent ariv.m, mdnuptibiica; continent eo- rumnomina C qualitttes, fy ita ponuntur in numiro fe'riim pfcaiiuml. (i quando }.(yibi°, C,de bonis vacan. the Lawes otthis Realmc their is twa kindes of annexation : The ane quhilk may be called tacit a, _, quhairinthe word of Annexation is nocht expreemed, bot uther wordes »>t kindes ^q U i va ) CM theirto. The uther is exprefia, quhilk conteins manifeft mention ,„ of annexation or union. The firft forme is tiled in the daies of king David the fecund 6. Novem. 1357. quhair it isftatute &ordan;d, that al lands, rents, and pofleffiones, quhilkis of auld perteined to the crown, or the Kingis domaine and propertie, fuld all and hail, and perpetuallie remaine in the hands and poflellion of the King.for his fuftentation & living, with- out ony alienation theirof. And fik-like 27. Septem. 1367. wkbeonfent ef liie three Eftaitcs, it was ftaiute for the Kingis better fuftentation, and living, that all rents, fermes, kanes, cuftomes, fbrrefts, officer, and uther emolumentes quhat-fum-ever : And alfo all landes, alfweil the propertie, and uthers, in pofleftion quhairof King Robert 1. father to King David the fecond, deceafed as offie; and that all pofTeffions, & landes quhilkis perteined to the richt and propertie of the Crown , the time of the faid King Robert, or ofKing Alexander the third, or of the faid King David the fecond, fuld returne all and haill to the crown, with all advocations of Kirkes , and all fcrviceperteining theirto; To remaine perpetuallie with the Crown, nocht-withftanding onie alienation theirof, maid to onie perfon, and that na difpofition theirof be maid thereafter, without confent of the three Eftatis. And gif onie perfon had onie of the faides landes laboured with his awin pleuch : It was ordained that he fuld paie alfmeiklefermeand dewtie therefore, as the famin micht gudliepav, or asonieuther landsasgud, andalsmeikle, ufed topav. And ilklike all the great and fmall cuftomes, and burrow mailles of the Realme,are ordaried to abide and remaine with the King, till his living, be ane aft maid be la. 1. Pari. 1. c. 8 . Of the fecond forme of Annexation quhairby landes, pofleffionesandutherSj^frex^re/^w, are annexed, united, and in- kind corporate diverfe and findrie examples are extant in the aftesof Parlia- ment of King lames the 2. n. Par. .^4ug. c.41. Scofuthersmaid theiraf- . ter. Landes, and uthersdewties, or pofTeffions quhatfum ever annexed 'tdaidm'ht to the crown, being annaliedordifponed, nalauchful diflblution maid dijpihedmay theirof, it is lefttme to the King, nocht-withftanding the faid allienation nocht be ana- to put his hand to the faides landes, and t..<cetham back again to the l"d. Crown, brevinunu. without onie ordour or proces of law. And as con- ff t- cerning the proffites theirof, quhilkis are extant , pendente^ c nondum mxed-wrmz- QOn f'" n P t >> r h e time of the faid intromiffion, the king, or his comptrollar oxflii anah- maieintromettheir-with, in the famin maner, ashemaieintromet with

      • ■ thelandes, lure foli, quia fruBus pendentes ,©" extantes cenfentur pars foli.

And tuitching the fruftes, and proffites of the landes quhilkis are fpended, andconfumed; The King and his comptrollar, aucht & fuld rep eete the famin fra the poflefloures, and uptakers of the faidis fruftes, of all zeires of their intromiffion there-with, be waie of aftion, becaufe they ar con. fumed and fpended. Gjihilkdeedconfiftand in fatlo, fuld neceflarlie be proven be ordinar waie of aftion. To the quhilk hail proffites the King hes gud richt, in refpeft that of the Law, mala fideipoffhffor, can never ac- quire and conqueis to himfelfe, onie fruftes or proffites, ather extant or confumed. And trew it is that al thay , quha recei vis ony infeftment or unlauchful difpofition of the Kings annexed property, ar main fidei pof- felfores : they receiving the famin againft the manife^ law ofthis Realm, the ignorance quhairof excufis na inhabitant of the famin. And inair- over, trew it is that the forelaid forme of intromiffion with the Kingis annexed landes, and repetition of the proffites theirof, hes beneinufe and p'-aftik fen the making of the aftes of Parliament theiranent: Likcas in the beginning of the reign ofKing lames the Fourth 18. Ian. 148S. the landes and Lord-fhip of Bre chen,aad blevar were taken fra David Earle of Cratrfurd, and ane terme afTigned to proove againft him, the avail! of the mailles and dewties of the faides Landes with the pertinentes, intro- TbeKjngit mettedwithbe him, fen the time of the gift thereof. Item the King P r 'f' r 'J may intromet with his annexed propertie, and proffites theirof, quhid- ^",fj. der he be Major or minor, For gif their be nalauchfulldiflblution of the famin, heisayeasit werc>«j8oranent his faid propertie. Alannexations arperpetuall, andinduriscontinuallie, ayandquhill anelauchfulldifib- lution be maid he onie King: Induring the time of the quhilk diflbluti- on, the annexation ceafis, and fleepis, and the diflblution being ended be deceafe of the maker theirof, the faid annexation beginns to quicken C ^Anntxitlon quafirevivifcere; In lik fort that the King quha fucceidis to the maker of " frfttuxl. the faid ditlblutionmay fctnafewes of his annexed propertie,be vertew ofthedifTolution made be his prediceflbur , bot mon make ane new diflblution to the effeft forcfaid. Quhilk fault and vice, I finde in divers and findrie infeftmentes of the propertie : and fpecially in the minori- tie of King lames the Fifth , quhilkis are wrangcoufly given be vertew of the difolution maid be King lames the Fourth, his Father, vid. Diflb- lution. . ANN HELL ane word ufed in the praftik of this Realme, for an zeirelie revenue, or dewty, payed at certaine termes, ather legal, quhilks are called termini legates vel legitimi, prefcrived and appoyntid be the law of this Realm, fik as Martin-mes & Whit-fondayj Or conventional as pleafis the parties till agree and appoynt, be paftion and contraft, as betwixt Zule and Candl-mes, or onie uther time. In the Aftes of Parlia- ment maid be Queene Marie 4. Parlia. 29. Maij.c. 10. mention is maid of ground annuel!, few annuel!, and top annuell, quhairof I have red na- thing in onie uther place: and am incertajn quhat they do fignifie: bot Greunimv* referris the famin to the judgement and opinion of the Reader, .^lwaies "fit. ground annuell is efteemed to be quhen the ground and propertie of onie land bigged or unbigged, is difponed and annalied for ane annuel! to be payed to the annalier theirof, of to ane uther perfon, fikas onie Chaip- Tof unniid', laine orPrieft. Top annuell is ane certaine dewtie, givenand difponed furthofonie bigged tenement, or land, of the quhilk tenement the pro- _ m pertie remains with the difporier, and he is onlic oblifhed to pay the faid "" ' annuell. Few annuell, is ather quhen the few maill, or dewtie is dif- poned as ane yeirlie annuel. Or quhen the land; ortenement is fette in _, tew-ferme heretablie for ane certaine annuell to be payed nomine fexdi- of - ^1^ ' firmce. The annuell of Norwaie quhairof mention is maid in the aftes of Parliament of King James the third,and in the Regifter ofthis Realm,was aneannuell of the fumnis ofan hundred markes, fterling money, quhilk the Kings of this Realmc was oblifhed to pay yeirlie to the King of Nor- waie, for the caufe after fpecified . Becaufe Donald Ba& to King Malcolme Cammoir, wrangeouflie after the deceafe of his brother ufurped the richt of the Crown againft his brother fones, Edgar, Alexander, Da- vid, anduthers. ^nd for help, and fupplie, gave all the lies of Scotland to the King o'< Norway, quhairthrow, and for uther occafiones, monic bluidie and cruell battalles followed, untill the battcll of Larges 3 •du- gufl, 1263. InthetimeofKing^/cxrfM^rthethird. ^nd ~4cho King of Norway: Jhiha thereafter in the famin zeire 22. Januarie departed in Orktlay. ^nd the Srottis beand victorious, Magnus the fourth of that name.King of Norway, fonne to the faid ^tcbo,vcaA peace and Concorde, with the faid King Alexander in anno, 1 266. and renunced , quite-clamed, and difcharged all richt, or title, quhilk he or his fucceflors had, or micht have, or pretend to the lies of Scotland. The King of Scotland payand theirfbir yeirlie to the faid Magnus, and his fucceflors ane annuell of ane hundreth marks,fterling money. Quhilk contraft and agreeance was ra- tified, and confirmed be Haquinus King of Norway, the firth of that name, and Robert the firft, King of Scotland, in anno 1312 Bot at the laft the faid annuel!, with all the arrieragrs, and bj'-runnes thereof, was difcharged, and renunced fimpliciter, in the contraft of marriage betuixf King James the third,and Margaret ,onl ie daughter to Cbriftiantts the firft, King of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, S. Septemb. 1468. fljihilkdif- charge is nocht onelie ratified, bot alfo renewed thereafter be the laid Cbriftiantts 12. Maii. 1469. And like- wife the faid King James the third. 24. Fe. 1483, commanded his Ambafladours fend to thePatp, todefire confirmation of the faid perpetuall renunciation, and difcharge of the contribution of the lies. A RAGE, utherwaies Average, from ^veria, fluhilk fignifies ane beaft, as falbe hereafter exponed : And fwa confequentlie Average, lig- nifie's fervice, quhilk the tennent aucht to his maifter, behorfe, or cari- ageofhorfe 18. Jan. 1 $oi.John Stewart contrair WilliamBlair. In the aft. 01 Parliament Ja. 4. p. 2. c. io.Itisij>mfeB-4iw?ge.Andlikcwife, in the indenture at Terth pen. Mart. 1371. betwixt Robert Steward Earl of Men- 7 -, .. A teith upon the ane part, and Dame ifabell Countes of Fife, on the uther t(} ,/ f ,4 ^ part,it is plainly written,»H»B ^varagiis ©* Cariagiis. In the quhilk inden- ture, the (aid ifabel dauchter and aire to Duncane Earle oi' Fife, Scfpoufc to Walter Stewart brother to the faid Robert, in the time of her Widuitie, aftar the deceafe of her faid husband, oblilhcd hir, to refigne the faid Earl- dom of Fife, intheKingishandsinfavourof thefaid Earle, for new he- ritable infeftment thereof, to be given to him. The quhilk indenture is fubferibed be Isannes Rollo, quha wax fecretary to the faid Earle. And conr'orme thereto, resignation was maid; for the quhilk fcho received zeirlie for her fuftentation, an hundreth foUrtiefiYe pounds, fterling money. Like as alfo the faid Ifabell 22. Junii 1 3 89. refigned ad perpetuani rtmanentiam ,in the hands ofK. Robert 1 he third,the Barrone oiStrathiird Strabraun, Difcher,Tqyer, with the lie of Ta-y, lyand within the Schiref- n . j domeofl'e«A. TheBaronneof Cowll, and Oneil, with the fortaliae their- 'if t ' iilcYi of, and patronage of the Kirk of X/KM!-ii(K within the Schire!domeof-4- umi-.^te A berdene, theBarronsof Crumdail, and ~4fyn, within the Schireffdome Crovjn. ofJnnrrnes, the landis ofStrabovie, and ~4brandolie, within the Schireff- dome of Bamf. The lands et'Logyachrj, within the Schireffdome oiVtrth, the