Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/859

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  • De verborum Jignificatlone.

[< htr- mfarmis the Barro'iie oCditr, within theCnftt'iuLiricof Linlithcov , and Schireffe-dorne of Edinburgh, and the landes of Kellynfyth , within the SchireftVdocne ofsiriviling. This I thoucht gud to aduertife the reader howt!v- Earledoriieof Fife andutherslandes rbrefaids, perteinedto the Crowne DaJe Maria fonnetothe faid Erie of Fife, being forefaltcd And that' be King lames the Firft. 1 424- The faid Ea.iedome was decer- ned to'rernaine perpetiiallie with the Crown, like as it dois, asanefpe- ciallpairtof the annexed propertie. As alfo the Lord-faip ot Mttbvtn within the Sclvreffedome of PeVtfc.and the barronie oxKellte, within the Scheriffedomeof For fir , did Tallin the handes of King Robert the firft, be done of forefaltour pronounced againft Schir .Roger Moubray Kmcht. AB.R.ENDARE, ane Spanifh word, commonhe nfed in char- toures and infeftments of this Realm, in lain, locate feu rem aliquam vten. dam.fiuendam,non gratis, feicertamercedemtervementeconcedere. tor conforme to the French,rent is ane certaine anniiell-renf.and ar. entareaad theirfra arrendar, quafiad cerium rentum feu teditum dw.ttere to fee and <*ive , landes or tenements to onieman toranzeirlieduetie. ARRE°RAGlUM, or properiie , an French word, «w'fr,bakward : in latine IamaisarrierMd be the Earls oUngus, ' in their armes, to qnhom it perteins to fecht the Kingis wantgard, as of auld it did appertain to Makduffe Earl of Fife, as writis Hector Boetms. ^tr- riera°ium ftrmamm, fignifies the by-run annuel.mails, fermes, profites or dewties of onie tenement, or landes, the quhilk reftis upon the famine unpi[ei.quoniamattach.c.fitenementr t .Z7,Leg.Burg.c.fiqu K voluerit. 1^6. A.SS1SA ane French word, fiuhilk fignifies properiie luting, or Seffion, and lies divers uther unifications in the Lawes ofthis Realme, for affifa is taken for ane conftitution, ordinance or law. Lib. i.e. jequens. 23. quhair it is called recognitio. And lib. nor, 2 3. mention ,s maid of ane effonzie, or excufe, conforme to the Law and affile of the land. And affifa is called ane couftiturionjaw or ftatme;//6.+.r . die lun*. 1 3, as ajfifa regis David Stat.^Ux.c.affifa 1 S. And affifa turn fignifies ftatute, or orda- ned St 2 Ro Br c. Item ordinatum z6.King David maid an allife.or con- ftitution of him quha was accufed in judgemcrtt.and clenged, for the death of his wife, affifa Reg. l5a.c. ft dm veVitfl. afftfaterr* K taken for the Law and conftitution of the land,Lib. + . c.fivtr 1 6.cJctend»m.64: affifam infiingere.h to violat and tranfgres the Law. And affifa o, -king James the Firft of weichts and meafures maid at Perth. 11. Mart, and the Firft zeire of his reiane. Uxta affifam. lib.z.c. dicitur autem.i±. is conforme to the law, orjuxtalevem, is conforme to the time prefcrived be the Law, Lib. 3 .c. ferment. 3 3 in fin. Item affifa is called ane meanire.or certaine quantity, as the barrel! bind of Salmond fuld keepe and conteine the affife.and mea- fureoffourteene gallons. Ja.3. 1. Oftob. Pari. 14. c.i 10. and all Salmond fuld be packed in barrels, ot the meafure ot Hamburgh, after the aulde af- fife, and nafcaaller barrels nor veffellcs.Ja. 3.6. ^ugufl: Pari, k >.c 7 6. a /^JWen^, the affife herring,fi S nifies ane certaine meafure.and quan- titie of herring, quhilk perteinis to the King as ane pant 01 his cufyUns, and annexed propertie, Ja. 6.p."i 5- c. 237. For it ,s mamfeft that he fuld have of everie Boat, that paffis to the drave, and flayis herring, an thou- fand herring of ilk tack that halds, mi. of the Lambmestak, of the winter tack, and ot the Lentrone tack, in December. 1 $16. The Kings Advocat contrair William Harper, and his Colleges. Item the Kings rents o, affife isinterpreit, to comprehend the Kingis Lands and cuftum.s 9. Decemb 1466 Scix.Mart. isoo. Iii the action betiiixt James Ogtlbte, contrair Vatrick Gray, certain oxen was poynded for fundrie unlawes, and for the rent Affife aucht to the Kings Hienes for the blench ferms of the lands of Girlie. And fik-like the thrid of the Kings rent of the Affile. That is to fav.the lands and cuftomes.fuld perteine to the Q.ueen,as h.r downe, Ja. 3. 9 oaob.p. i.e.2. In this realme an Affife iscallcd ane certaine number of men lauchfullie fummond, received, fworn and admitted to, udge and decernein fundrie civil caufes, fik as perambulations , cognitions mo- leftations, purprefture.divifion of lands ferving or brieves, and ,n all and fundrie criminal caufes. For be the law of this Realm all crimes fuld be decided and tryed be an affife,Swr. ^tlexc, 3. fiphwof their is twa kinds. Ane ordinarliein ufe.quhilk may be called ane l.r.l affife of the nummer of 1 3. or 1 5. perfons,Ki. 3.c generalia 25. The uther called ane : great .affife, quhilk confiftsof25.p«fons,/.i.c.f<wi-.i6.KA.f.2.rf0M9.anda.l the nffi- ?ors,inbaith the ane and the uther affife fuld fwear ane folemn aith, to judge and decernenchtly. vid. bona fat Fortheqah,lkcaufe they ar cal- ed %htore s tt.i .c.p^na. ., 6. and in fum buiks-^.s ca led jurata pair,*, and in the Englifh lawes an Iury. The great affife ,s not common- ly u fed in this Realme) is chofen againft fik hes bin upon an lit.l affife, and ar accufed de^v.rioveltemerariojmamento-. and that they have done wrang againft the laws in clenging onie trefpalTor quha is guilty and fowle of the°crime. In the quhilk cafe.the man that . clenged albe, wrangoufty, cannot be filed againe or punifl:for he being anis qmte, he is da^e of Tuni,.i 59T dedaired all them to be efteemed halden and repute as Nobilperfons and gentilmen,that fal happen to be fummond upoafikan affife, quha are landed-men, albeit they be inferior in rank and d.gmtie to them, upon quhais affife they fuld paffe. . •; . AT TA Y N T, Tdynt, an word meiJbte ufed in the Englifh lawes, *4u '&mm isaccufed.filed or convift.for ony crime orraftfe.SWt.a.Ro.Br.c I?em?c UemdomLs zi.cMem.2*. An Judg being convift,orattaynt of h*Xlsta.2Ko.BL.c.domin K! rex.2z.St<i^ f« 8 7 4 'f.io4.Bot attaynt orT ajMt ,is called the dehveranceorproba- S , of zl {alias 25 ) leill nien.the quhilk maybe called an great affife.ta

  • A V T A C H IAMENTU M.from the French word,«»«6«r, Ugare,

<*Sm,mc charge or binding of ony the effect he may be drawn and compelled to compete in judgement and anfwer aslaw wil.In the pre- face and beginning of the buik called quoniamattachiamenta,attachiamen~ turn dicitur qitoddam vinculum legitimum,per quod pars defendens invita a- firingitur,ad flandum ]uri,Z^refpondendum parti defe conquerenti juridici. And attachiament fumtimes is of guds and geare, as in contra£tcs,conven- tiones, and aftions of moveabill glides, in the quhilk the gudes and geare of the defender are attached, untill he find caution and pledges to anfwer aslaw will, quhilk being funden, the attachiamente is relaxed and lowfed. Sumtimes attachiament is of ane mans perfon and body, as in aftiones of wrang, or criminal! caufes. In the quhilk the perfon of the tranfgreffours fuld be firft attached, and gif he be difobedient, or fugitive, ' his glides and gear,may be attached,unu he find caution to underlie the law.Swa com- mon!y,bot not perpetually,<K(W)M/Me>mi!M, vel efl bonorum, vel corporis, fi'cut arreflttmcnti'.m bonorum, as gif the Crowner can nocht apprehend onie man indited.toaf/aciehim pevfonallie to compeirin the Tuftice airenhen he fuld arreift all his gudes moveable and unmoveable to remaine under fure pledges, And tobefurth-cummandtotheKiiig.incafehecompeirnot. l.Malc.Mak.c.i; And in criminal caufes, fpeciallie intreafon the perfon or bodie of the defender fuld be firft attached, and put in fure firmance, until he have tholed ane affifc, quhidder he be quite or foule.I.2,p, 1 2.C.49. And in civill caufes thegtsds and geir.of the defender fuld be firft arreifted. Li. 4.0 1. as writes Matth<eus de afjUltis, in conjnetudines Sicilin. confiit. Hu- manitate. Nu. 33. Be the civill Law in execution ofdecreires, firft the moveabill gudes perteining to the debtour, fuld be firft difcufled, thereaf- ter his lands and immoveabill gudes may be comprifed. Thirdlie thedebts auchtand to him, quhilks are called nomina debitorum, may be perfewed anddifcuffed, L.aDivoPio.i 5. Sett.j.Dere Judical. Quhilk is conforme to the aft of Parliament, quhairby it is ftatute, that the lands perteining to the debtour fuld nocht be cemprifed, untill his moveabil guds be firft fearched, focht, anddifcuffed. Ja. 3.p-?.c.36. A V ERI A. li.4.c./7 quis federit. 23. c. quicttnqtie. ii.aff.Reg.Da.c. (? quit federit 4-t. In the quhilk place it is called melius animal, the beftaucht, Irom the French, le meilleur atioir. fluhilk be the Law is given be the huf- band-man to his maifter,asanehereze]de, and lib. t-.c.quicunque, 31. a- veria is called animal : The quhilk place is de namaiione animalium, that isofpoyndingofcattell. , A V U N C U L (J S properly is the mother-brother, bot fumtime con- form to the French maner of fpeach, it is taken for the father-brother, irj Lat patruus,li.2.c.fiquisliberuim 24. c. deficientibus 34. dejudic. c. Item nota 1 5. In quibus loci,- jus fucceffionis dicitur pertinere ad avunculum ejuf- que liberos quod non efi confentaneum juri noffro civili, fiavunculus propria accifatur pro frairematris, quia cognatorum, h. e. confanguineorum, ex parte matris apud ms nulla efifuccefji'o, h.e. cognaiinon fuccedunt aliit, B 2, AGIMONT, his taxation of benefices. Ja. 3-P-6. c.,43. Ja.4.p.4-c.' 39. ThePapein die time of K. James the third, fend in this Realme ane cardinall and legar,called Fagimont, Cuha did make an taxation of all the rentalles of the benefices, that the faminmicht bcknawinto thePape. To the effect, that quhen onie perfon came toliome fcikand bulles or richt to onie benefice fra him, he micht conforme to the faid rentall as he pleaf- ed, fell the famin for fameikle Silver, orGolde, as he thochtmaift pro- fitable. Ouhilk taxation is grounded upon the Canon Law, in the EX' travagant.fuf.eptiregiminis, lib. 6. B A I R M A N. Vid. Dyvour. BALLIVUS, an French word,B«z"e///, ^ne baillie or judge, li. t.c. 16. c. 3 1. quha hes ane ordinar power and jurifdiftion. Namballivusfiue judex nonpotefl effe 2.C.4. Halliajn Latin provincia, ane baille- rie or 1 .C.7.C. 1 8. fta t. 2. Rob. Br.c.4 c. Robertas. 28 . Dicitur autem Ballivus a Baall, h.e. domino, quia baltivi dominantur fuis fubditis, quafiearum magifiri cdomini.Rebujfus-in confiit.regias,defentent.execut. .^nd in the Checker compts, the Baillies of Burrowesare pro- periie called ballivi. flsha be the Lawes of this Realme, makiscompt zcirlie in the Checker,of their burrow ane part of the Kingis an- nexed propertie, and alfo of their commoun gude, quhil£fuld be imploy- ed in the neceffar affaires of the burgh. ^nd likewaies in the cheker.compt is maid of the Kingis propertie, be fik as are called Ballivi Regis, and in- tromettis with his rents : quhais compts are called computa Ballivomm al 0mfl , tt ,^ extra Scil. Extra Burgos: -^nd ar improperlie called Ballivi, being ha ii, vo yui» Chalmerlanes in-put, and out-put be the Comptroller, for quhom he ad extra. fuld be anfwerable. Mair-over, in the Checker compt maid per rotulos, is quhen the Compter is charged inhis compt, conforme to ane former compt, rolled of before : ^nd computum extra rotulos, is quhen the CtmfvAu m compter is charged in his oneration, be ony precept direft be himfelfe, nerremhs, orbeonyintromiffio'nmaidbe him of the Kingis rents, before the mak- frf«tww ing of his compt , or with onie dewtie filver , or uther thing per- mi "- te'uiinototheKingextraordinarlie, and not zeirlie, as ane parte of his patrimonie. . BANRENTES, Banerets. Ja.i.par.7.c, toi. In the quhilk place,' if is manifeft,that Ban-rent isanekindeofeftaite, greater and mair hono- rable then Barrones : For the Barrones are permitted to chufe their Com- miffioners, to be fent for them to Counccll and Parliament, to propone all and findrieneedesahd caufes, perteining to the commounes, in the Parliament, or general! Counccll : Bot the Ban-rentes fuld be warned be the Kingis fpeciall precept, to corr.peir perfonallie in the Parliament orCounce'll: In fik maner, asBiQioppes, Earles, Lords, abbots, Pri- ores, ufistobefummoncd. Thisworde is commonlie ufed in the Eng- lifh lawes, and in findrie lawes of uther Cuntries. r u ia.l.z. de Feud. Tit. 7. de nova fidehtatif forma. Boerius in decifiones Burdegalenfes, Tracts de afithoritate magni Confilii. Guido Taps quefi. 614- & 3*.<5- /«»' B?. Hormand^