Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/91

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OF CORNWALL. %S within six months after the offence comt mitted. 2, Item. In order the more effectually to »• Foftktf^. secure the revenue of the King, or Lord Sl'srevmue Duke of Cornwall, arising by the duty on tin, be it hereby declared and enacted, that no white tin shall be carried or conveyed from any blowing-house or smelting-house, but only to a coinage town ; and that, by the direct and common road leading to the usual jilace of coinage. And it is hereby further Jo ^^^ the declared and enacted, that no white tin shall, before breaker be carried or conveyed by any c^rier„ or ^^y»<>'*ft«fsuiu other person whatsoever from any blowing- house, or smelting-house before break of day, or after sunset, unless the carrier shall have with him a note in writing, containing the number of blocks so carried by the said carrier, and the day of the delivery of such tin for that purpose, and signed by the prin- cipal agent of the said house, provided always that the said tin so carried and conveyed / before break of day, or after sunset, be ^ brought to the coinage town, and laid in the place where tin is usually laid in order to be coined, within reasonable time after the same is so sent from the said blowing-house or smelting-house respectively, having regard to the distance of such blowing-house or smelting-house, from the coinage town to which such tin is to be carried ; and if any p^^on or persons shall carry or convey the said tin otherwise than as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful unto and for any of the officers of the revenue of the King, or Lord Duke of Cornwall to seize the same; and to L exhibit