Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/102

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AUK LOW. 02 AIM.INGTON. Dungaustown, 1 Killaburler, Kil- poole, Iludcross, ami )rts of Hi.. Inch, .111x11 ; anil comprises an area of about ' It ] AUKLOW, a par., market town, and seaport, in the i Arklow, in tlio co. of Wicklow, prov. of Leinstor, J. of Wicklow, and 60 miles I luhlin. It is situated on the coast of St. George's rlianml. at tliir nmuth of ti "08, not far (mm Croghan 1IU1. It is u wry ancient place, and has been a fishing elation In.ia the I'M The cast! town were granted iu the reign of King John to Theobald FitzwaHcT, lord butler of Ireland. A monastery was founded here by Fit/.waltor, 1'nr Cistercian the abbey of Furneaa. The neighbourhood of tin was the scene of a 1 -n Irish an English in 12X1, in which ti. furious, and gained possession of the town. It was burnt, with several oil.. "1 villages, in 1316,by thep'Toolos, and other Irish chiefs. The castle fell into tlu-ir hands in 1331, but it was soon retaken by Lord do Hinnim Daring the civil war it was garrisoned for the kin;.' till 1619, when it was assaulted by Oliver Croniwi 11. ami entirely destroyed. Arklow was the scene of an engagc- . in 1798, between the rebels and the English ni, in which the former were il. ! it. .1 The town stands on sloping ground on the south. :n bank of the river, which is crossed by a bridge of nine- teen arches. According to tho census of 1861, it contains i.-ihuhitcd houses, with a population of 4,670. Of , are Roman Catholics, '>. to the !ished Church, 9 are Presbyterians, anil '-'1 Me- thodists. The surrounding country abounds in rich und beautiful scenery. A little to tho north the Ovoca flows in a winding course through great beauty, which Ifars the same name as the river. the coast, and in tho valleys, the soil is rich, and contains good marl. Tho town is divided into tho Upper and Lower Towns, tho former consisting of ono good street, tho latter of poor fishermen's huts. Tho inhabi- -,.. eliii tly employed in the usher}' and a small coasting trade. The port is subordinate to Dublin, and his about 260 vessels belonging to it. The harbour is capable of admitting vessels of small size. Off the coast is a shoal mil. 1 Arklow Hank, the position of which is marked out by a buoy at the northern, and a limiting light at the - utln-rn ml. It is 10 mile's long, and the light is visible at a distance of nine miles. Ark- low Bay lies between this bank and tho coat. Infantry barracks are established on tho site of tho castle. There are coastguard and police stations, and petty sessions fur the barony are held weekly. A dispensary, : pital, and a savings-bank, have been established. Tho living i.t a reel, in the dim-, of Dublin. ' li, and Kildare.val. withtheperpet. eirrs.' t Kir I Kil- gcrmnn, 20C,in tho patron, of the bishop. The church, which wa- 1823, is in the perpendicular There is a large liolic chapel, ami a -mall'. .no bclon list.s. Thcrearo:-. pn'ilic and private schools. Towards tho close of the

n at Croghan hill. A

neat tmml>er of ]>eisons resorted to the place, anil in a i" precious metal was : during tli i<l.elli..n in IT'.K ; :,,, . in 1801, they were finally i', tlio gnat of 1 ; Wi. H.IW, mi tl li il in run !> th" i . -{"il. Hall '.' 'I'll" market is li the lltli January, the th April, the 1 Ith May. tl..' 2Mh md the loth ' m div. of the wap i.f Bb iflbcl indTick - ; V. - Riding ol (hi eo. : ii]inse .. lime- York, 2 miles to the N. of Doncaster.

, uni:e.l with ]'.entl"v. The 1

is a vie. in tip > :1:. val. 11:!. in the patn^H Sir V. K. ('. Cooke, Bart. Tho church is dedicated to All Sai'its. K-I:V. AK1.1-:, a tythg. in the jtir. . nf th" .inn: name, in the co. of Gloucester, closi tonhum. AIM.Ki'lxiN, a par., Allcrdalc-abovi -1>. rwi nt, in tho co. of Cumbtrij^H 6 miles to tho N.E. of Whitehaven, its post ! about 10 miles S.W. ti >u!h. It tho tnshps. of Frizington and Whillymoor. ( stone, and iron ore are obtained in tin ii :: -] ing is a pcrpet. cur.* in the dioc. of On 100, in tho patron, of the Bishop of ' church, .St. Michael, was rebuilt in !> neat stono edifice, with a bell turret. The sonage house was i-n . ti -d in ISl'J, at a c. ted about 1 mile from the church. '!!. ' -! van Methodists have a chapel > -re is also a school. Tho Earl of Ixinsdalc is lonl of the n Cringlegill is a chalybeate spring. Fairs arc In M 24th April, tho first Friday in June, and on ale mid horses. AIU.I ^< OTE, a hmlt. in the par. of Wanning hund. of Kington, in the co. of Warwick, 4 miles to S.E. of Kington. AK1.1.SS, a vil. in tlioiiar. of Killekin. in the Slicvcmarg)', Queen's Countv, in the jirov. of T Ireland, 6 miles to tho N.W. it ( .ul..w. roofing and flooring were formerly made hi IT. manulacturo of linen and yarn is earrioil on, thmi to a great extent, un tli. ; old church is tho mausoleum of the (iracr family: in the perpendicular style, and was erected ii length is L'l feet, and its l.r.-a.lth 1 - ARLESTOX, a lib. joined with Sintin, in t! HaiTow-on-Trent, hnnil. of Appletree, but lou hund. of liopton and Gresley, in the co. of to the S. of Derby. It lies with. ml the jurisdiction of the court of-'" at Tuthury, tho head of the Honour. AULESTON, a limit, in the par. of Wellington, hund. of South Bradford, in the co. of Salop, 1 tf m Wellington. AKI.KY, a pur. in the Kirl.y div. of the hund. Knightlow, in the co. of Warwick, "> mil .ton. It is situated on the small riv. i tains the vil. of Sloley Hill. 'I I reel.* i' ..i' V..rc<>; K. i;. Vaughton. The church i Wilfrid. Th. i" is B . and other chaiit to '.'! ABLET. UPPER, BtanbrdshiM AKI.1M.II AM, .. par. in the in the h lonceater, 7 It is sitnatiil on marshy gron . which surrounds tin- ]'.ui~h on l! Then, is a tin.- view of the riv. r fi.nn Harruw Hill par. iMiitains tl.. l.mlt.i. of Milton End ami ' lv ^^l It is n..t tar from tli" i. rry to Newnham, and the 1; and i.iilway. " The living is a vie.* ii 1. val. II '.<:;. iii ill" 1 h is dedicated Maiy. Tli.' '. is a school end. .wed l>y Mary Vate. in 1766, i 40 a year : by the s;im ' on, of 40, for tie iriingham is th" [nim ipal i Altl.INdToN. a tnsh],. and par. in the Inmd. '.!, in the c... of Devon, H miles t" tl living is a rrct.* in the dioc. of Ex .'7'J. in tli. I 1' I'.rme Cln.-hester,.' who is lonl of tin manor. The church, dedicat- 1 ' .tly relmilt, with ' tin- t.,wer, iii tl. tyle. Arlington House the seat i.l the ( 'hi. luster family.