Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/103

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ARLINGTON. 93 ARMAGH. ARLINGTON, a tythg. in the par. of Bibury, liund. f Brightwell's Barrow, in the co. of Gloucester, 5 miles om Northleach. ARLINGTON", Middlesex. See HAHI.IXGTO.V. ARLINGTON, a par. in the liund. of Longhridge, ipe of Pcvensey, in the co. of Sussex, 3 miles to the .W. of Haylsham. It is situated on the river Cuck- icre, near to the Huylsham and Polegate branch of the oith Eastern railway. The living is a vie.* in the inc. of Chit-heater, val. 156, in the patron, of the Ishop of London. The church is dedicated to St. ancras. There is also a perpet. cur.,* known as " The lieker," val. 125, in the patron, of the Bishop of hichester. The chapel is dedicated to the Holy Tri- t y. '.['here arc remains of a Roman camp in the neigh- mrhood. This parish was the site of a monastery, unded in the reign of Henry III. by Gilbert do quila. ARLSEY, a par. in the hund. of Clifton, in the co. of (edford, 4 miles to the S.E. of Shefibrd. It is a station U the Great Northern raihvay, 5 miles from Hitchin ; aldock is its post town. The living is a vie. in the ,100. of Ely, A;I!. with the rect. of Astwick, 420, in the Eitron. of James Curtis, Esq. The church is dedicated ) St. Peter, and contain.-! several monuments, and a nit with sculptures in several compartments. Arlsey as formerly a market-town. There is an ancient en- cnchment at Etonbury, on the Baldock road. Arlsey "ouse is the principal residence. ARMADALE, a vil. in the par. of Bathgate, in the >. of Linlithgow, Scotland, 1~ miles from Bathgate. he principal residence is Armadale House, the seat of ir W. Honeyman, Bart. The Linlithgow hounds meet ere. ARMAGH, an inland co. in the prov. of Ulster, eland ; bounded on the N. by Lough Neagh, on the . by the co. of Down, on the S. by the co. of Louth, nd on the W. by the cos. of Tyrone and Monaghan, om the former of which it is separated by the river lackwater. It lies between 54 3' and 54 31' north ititude, and between 6 14' and 6 50' west longi- ide. It extends in length from N. to S. 32 miles, ad its greatest breadth is 22 miles, comprising an area f 328,076 acres, of which 310,134 arc land, and 7,941 water. On the north, it has a coast-lino of 6 miles on the lough. It was constituted a county i 1586 by Sir John Perrott, then Lord Deputy of vela nil. Under his arrangement, the greater part of the irovince of Ulster was distributed into seven counties, if which this was one. The district had formerly be- ongod to the several families of Clantrassil, O'Nial, iI'Gihan, and O'Hanlon. The county is subdivided into ,he following eight baronies: Armagh, Tiranny, East ['Neilland, West O'Neilland, Upper Fews, Lower Fews, L'pper Orior, and Lower Orior. It contains 22 parishes, ivith portions of several others, comprising within its imits 41,21)7 inhabited houses, with a population in 1861 if 189,382. Besides the city and borough of Armagh, rhich is the county town, and seat of the primacy of reland, it has eight market towns: Lurgan, New- iwn -Hamilton, Markethill, Portadown, Crossmaglcu, s'cwry, Tandcragec, and Middleton. The local govern- ment is entrusted to a lieutenant and cn.ito.i, a high heriff, 19 deputy lieutenants, 60 magistrates, and the isual county officers. Previous to the union, it returned ix representatives to the Irish parliament two for the ounty, two for the borough of Armagh, and two for the iorough of Charlemont. It now sends three members wo for the county, and one for the borough of Armagh, 'harlemont having been disfranchised at the union. The surface of the county is generally hilly and irre- gular. The most level district is that in the north nd north-west, bordering on Lough Xoae;h and the Jlackwater. The hills in that district are almost wholly inder cultivation. Vicar's Cairn, situated in the centre f the county, and one of the principal elevations in the Lorthern half, does not rise above a height of 820 feet. There are some tracts of bog and marsh along the shores if the lough. The fertility of the soil, the undulation of the surface, and the well-wooded estates, make the aspect of the northern half of the comity very pleasing and beautiful. Towards the south, the ground is much more irregular, and the hills rise into mountains. The principal ranges are the Fews, divided into Upper and Lower, and running mostly in a direction from south- east to north-west. Armagh Breaguo has an elevation of 1,200 feet, and Newry Mountain of 1,385 feet. Fur- ther to the south, and not far from the borders of Louth, is Slieve Gullion, the loftiest mountain in the county, and the loftiest but one in the province of Ulster; it is a granite peak rising to the height of 1,893 feet, having a lake on its summit, and commanding a magnificent prospect as far as the bay of Duiidalk. There are many varieties of rock in the county granite at Slievo Gullion, in the Newry mountains, and the Fathom hills ; mica slate abounds in the district round Cam Lough ; greywacke slate in the centre of the county ; white limestone in the west ; red sandstone near Lough Neagh, and trap rocks in blocks in various parts. The limestone becomes reddish and of a better quality near the town of Armagh. Lead ore has been found in several parts, and a mine was formerly opened at Kcady. Some traces of iron and other metals have been dis- covered. The climate of Armagh is more genial than that of the other counties in the province. The soil, except in the rugged south, is fertile. There is much good meadow land, especially along the banks of the Blackwater and the Bann. The soil is very rich in the valleys among the hills. Wheat is grown extensively in the north and north-western districts ; oats and potatoes are the principal crops elsewhere. The farms are mostly small, and spade husbandry is common. Much flax is grown, and apples are largely cultivated. The methods of fanning have been improved, and the modern implements brought into use. A good deal of butter is made for exportation, from cows which graze on the banks of the rivers and on the common lands ; but the scientific grazing of cattle and the pasturage of sheep are almost entirely neglected, while both goats and pigs arc carefully tended. The latter, indeed, are often tho- roughly domesticated. Small horses are also bred, to convey the numerous itinerant vendors of linen and other merchandise from cabin to cabin, and to the various fairs and markets which they frequent. There are no large lakes in this county ; Camlough and Lough Clay are the only two worth naming. The former is situated in a mountainous district a little to the north of Slievo Gullion ; the latter is in the western part of the county, near Keady it is the source of one branch of the river Callan. The Blackwater and the Bann are the chief rivers. The former flows along the north-western bor- der of the county, from near Killyleagh northward, and falls into Lough Neagh. It receives the waters of tho Callan, tho sources of which are in the central districts, a little below Charlemont. The river Tall joins tho Callan above Charlemont. Tho Bann, which rises in the county of Down, enters Armagh above Portadowu, where it is joined by the Newry canal and the river Cushir : flowing thence in a north-westerly direction, it falls into Lough Neagh, about 3 miles to tho E. of tho month of the Blackwater. There arc many smaller streams. The only island in tho county is C'oney Island, situated on Lough Neagh, between tho mouths of the Blackwater and the Bann. On the eastern side of the county is the Newry canal, which was constructed to connect Carlingford Bay with Lough Neagh. It extends from the Newry Water to tho point where tho Bann becomes navigable. On the north-western side is the Ulster canal, the course of which is parallel with that of the Blackwater, with which river it unites near Charlemont. By this canal Lough Erne is brought into connection with Lough Neagh. The main branch of industry in Armrmh is" the linen manufacture. Formerly there was a considerable woollen trade earned on, but at present no woollen goods are made except for home use. Some cotton goods and unions aro made, and there are several flax mills. There are salmon fisheries at the mouths of the Bann and the Blackwater. The county